[DCCP]: Remove duplicate test for CloseReq

This removes a redundant test for unexpected packet types. In 
it is tested twice whether a DCCP-server has received a CloseReq (Step 7):

 * first in the combined if-statement,
 * then in the call to dccp_rcv_closereq().

The latter is necesssary since dccp_rcv_closereq() is also called from

This patch removes the duplicate test.

Signed-off-by: Gerrit Renker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 net/dccp/input.c |    6 ++----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

--- a/net/dccp/input.c
+++ b/net/dccp/input.c
@@ -616,16 +616,14 @@ int dccp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *
                return 0;
                 *   Step 7: Check for unexpected packet types
-                *      If (S.is_server and P.type == CloseReq)
-                *          or (S.is_server and P.type == Response)
+                *      If (S.is_server and P.type == Response)
                 *          or (S.is_client and P.type == Request)
                 *          or (S.state == RESPOND and P.type == Data),
                 *        Send Sync packet acknowledging P.seqno
                 *        Drop packet and return
        } else if ((dp->dccps_role != DCCP_ROLE_CLIENT &&
-                   (dh->dccph_type == DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE ||
-                    dh->dccph_type == DCCP_PKT_CLOSEREQ)) ||
+                   dh->dccph_type == DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE) ||
                    (dp->dccps_role == DCCP_ROLE_CLIENT &&
                     dh->dccph_type == DCCP_PKT_REQUEST) ||
                    (sk->sk_state == DCCP_RESPOND &&
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