On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Thomas Dudziak (JIRA) <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> Tony, I've applied the patch, with a few minor modifications:
> * Matcher.quoteReplacement is Java 5, but DdlUtils is (still) Java 1.4, so 
> I've replaced the call with manual escaping
> * There were a few more invocations that use search patterns (e.g. 
> getForeignKeys, getPrimaryKeys) that I've updated to use the new method
> * I've removed the mock DatabaseMetaData class, primarily because new methods 
> have been added to it in newer JDBC versions which could cause test failures 
> with specific JDBC drivers; instead I've added a proxy for it, sort of a poor 
> mans mock
> Please have a look and let me know if I missed anything.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for taking care of this! I didn't realize DdlUtils was targeted
for Java 1.4, sorry about that...

As for the Matcher.quoteReplacement() change, we might as well escape
the input string directly, rather than escaping a string that will be
used to escape the input string. :-) I've attached a patch that does

Thanks again!

- Tony

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