Hi Everyone,

I was just speaking to an old friend and trying to remember the date of a
show, or non-show!, that we went to.

It was during Spring tour in March of either 92 or 93 in Cleveland, OH
(Richfield Coliseum). A bunch of us piled into a van and traveled up to
Cleveland from Columbus during a huge snow storm. Route 71 north was a
nightmare! I can't remember many specifics because there were party favors
involved. I think that parts of the parkway were eventually shut down. But
we had a great time and somehow successfully found our way to the Cleveland
area, only to find out that the show had been cancelled!    

We stayed for the show the next night. I remember it finished up with
Throwing Stones > Lovelight and I Fought the Law. WHEW HOO! This second
night was also broadcast on the radio because other friends of ours who
never did make into town, happily told me they were at least able to listen
to it!

I tried to hunt down the date using Deadlists, but for some reason my
browser isn't loading anything properly today. If anyone can help me track
down the date of the cancelled show I would really appreciate it.

Have a good weekend,

Robert Battaly

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