At 11:09 AM -0500 3/29/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>i was listening to a dead hour i taped a while ago the other day, 
>and i came across a song i had never heard before, and conveniently 
>the tape ran out before the end when all of the songs are told. 
>i've been looking for this song ever since, to no avail.  i'm pretty 
>sure it's a cover, but i can't find anything about it.  it's a fast 
>paced song with bobby singing, and it has pigpen in it, so i know 
>it's from the 60's.  the main lyrics seem to be "no time to cry", 
>but i can't find any dead songs with that title. please help!!  e 
>mail me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED] thanks!

That is Pigpen singing lead, and it's "Alice D. Millionaire."


     David Gans     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Truth and Fun, Inc.,  PMB 102,  484 Lake Park Ave, Oakland CA 94610

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