At 02:00 AM 04/10/02 -0700, you wrote:
>From: Jim Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 23:17:38 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: Jerry Band Tree To Plant
>I'm working with several other Jerry tape fiends on a project to digitize
>and master to CDs JGB audience masters.

Wow, this is great news, especially, IMO, the 90's Warfield shows.  90's 
Dead just doesn't do it for me, but some of the Jerry shows from that era 
are among his best.

>And, what's the best way to put this stuff out once it's ready to fly?

SHN!  If DAT>CD mastering is being done on computers, then the original 
.wav files should be losslessly compressed to SHN, and these made 
available.  If, as I suspect, the CD masters are being made on standalone 
equipment, they should be put in the hands of someone with a computer 
burner, a copy of EAC, and the knowledge/experience to do flawless digital 
audio extraction.  This person can make the SHN's.

Of course, I know Jim's real question is how do we get organized to 
distribute this many shows to everybody who's going to want them.    My 
thought on that would be to break it up into manageable chunks of maybe a 
half-dozen shows at a time and then tree these chunks.  Lots of other 
approaches are also viable.  But I make the point about creating SHN's 
because this is really the best way to get started without introducing 
digi-garbage due to poor attempts at DAE.


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