The story I heard is that the new flavor is from vault reels, which 
are labelled "Jerry Garcia with The Harvey Mandel Band, 12/24/68."

If I recall correctly, it checks in at 80-some-odd minutes. (I can't 
confirm that right now because I'm in my office and my discs are at 

At 11:19 AM -0400 4/23/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>David Litfin's recent post on this show looks right. My reel copy of 
>Peter Abram's that I made in 1974 is missing in action, but I do 
>remember it being considerably longer than the 31 minutes listed 
>here at Deadlists. I never transferred this show to CD, because it 
>is missing. Therefore, what circulates would originate from reel or 
>cassette copies made back in the '70s.
>I know where a Maxell 7 1/2 ips reel copy of mine is and am trying 
>to retrieve it currently. It was made way back when and has been 
>packed away in a friend's basement. It was copied on a Revox, so it 
>should show little degradation. When I get it, I'll get it out.


jeff tiedrich    -- wake up and smell the pixels!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         webdesign and more:

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