While this is not a request for music--I know to go elsewhere for
that--it is a request. I am posting here because I know that you guys
are the folks that would most likely be able to help me, so forgive me
for not operating within the letter of the law. My wife and I just
bought a house, our first, and I will now at long last have my own
"music room". I am looking for a nice photo from the Dylan/Dead tour,
especially a group shot with Jerry at the pedal steel. Such a shot would
perfectly christen the room. so if anyone knows of a photographer would
has such a shot & would sell me a print, please drop me a private
e-mail. Again, I apologize for this post having nothing to do with
setlists and the like, but I thought that I really should go to the
source. Happy Billy's birthday to all!!!


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