<<What's your evidence for the Aug. 69 date, Michael?  Given the material
certainly possible, I agree.  On the other hand Pete Sears remembers it
happening in '71 (see the DeadLists entry), which seems late to me.  We
need some hard evidence to date this tape is what we need.  Do you know when
KSAN started broadcasting?>>

My evidence is principally memory, I'm afraid. I was very surprised to hear
them playing acoustically, and the songs were new for me. Had it been summer
of '70 instead of '69, neither of those things would have been novel. It was
certainly not as late as 1971. It was definitely in the summer, as I recall
it being light when the broadcast ended. That's about the best I can do.

AS for KSAN, they began broadcasting sometime in 1968, late summer perhaps.
The KMPX Strike (for which the Dead played a couple of benefits) began in
March of 1968, and the migration of most of the staff to KSAN occurred a few
months later.


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