At 04:15 PM 8/28/2002 -0400, McLeod, Iver J wrote:
>Somebody on ebay was selling a ticket stub for 4/19/69 Clark Univ.,
>Worcester, MA.
>Deadlists shows a show for this venue on 4/20/69 but not 4/19.  Does anybody
>know if the 4/19 show was postponed until 4/20?  Or could it be that there
>was a previously unknown show on 4/19?  Or could this stub be a counterfeit?
>Oddly, the listing states, "The seller ended this listing early because the
>item is no longer available for sale."  The auction started Monday so the
>seller ended it quite early - perhaps he became aware that the stub was a
>Anybody have any ideas?

i know nothing about it, but the first question that comes to mind is, if 
somebody were going to forge a ticket stub, why give it the wrong date? why 
be off by one day? doesn't make sense... 

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