
For years I've heard all this talk about Borreal Ridge being so terrible.  But the 2 
shows immediately after Borreal weren't exactly the hottest shows either. 

Something was wrong with Jerry during those 2 shows in Texas in 1985 (8/30-Houston, 
8/31-Austin).  I can remember seeing Mickey standing on the side of the stage during 
Space staring at Jerry and just shaking his head.  In Houston, boths sets were 
unusually short.  The Scarlet>Touch segue was cool but when you listen to the tape you 
can hear stretches in the second set where Jerry just stops playing for long stretcehe 
like in the jam from Scarlet to Touch and during the Space and Other One. Lots of 
weird stuff in that show. You can hear Jerry starting Wheel and then the rest of the 
band kick into Gimme Some Lovin and then afterwards Jerry starts Wheel again and 
finally the band follows him.

At the Austin show the next day, the second set opens with Terrapin, goes into 
Estimated, and then leads right up to Eyes but they never play it and just keep 
jamming before going into a very early Drums-Space.  I can remember that the first 
song out of space,GDTRFB, started before the 45 minute tape flip on my old cassette.  
Any else at these shows?


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