Hi all:

Just wondering what's been going on with the "Deadlists" website.

These last couple months it has often been inaccessible. Sometimes it's just the discussion section, on other occasions the whole site is unavailable. Back in late May - early June, for example, the discussion page it was down for at least a couple of weeks. When it reappeared it contained none of the email discussion from that period.

I know keeping web sites functioning properly can be difficult. There has never been, however, any update provided to the email list regarding these events. Can you at least let us know what's going on?

Today, 7/2/03 (~ 1:45pm PDT), when I tried to open the official home page " www.deadlists.com ", I got a page: "Curly Girl Greetings". I refreshed a few times, but still got this weird greeting card site. What's a little more frightening is that when I tried to open the old "shallwego.net" site - both " www.shallwego.net " and " shallwego.net ", I got the same "Curly Girl" page. (I could reach the search form at "www.shallwego.net/deadlists/searchform.asp" , but all searches ended in error.)

Can the webmaster or someone else who monitors this site please provide some information?

Thanks a lot.


At 11:35 AM 7/1/03, you wrote:
The official www site is www.deadlists.com

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