I've finally found the time to compare the two recently done CDR
versions of 11/13/72: the one produced by Kevin Weil (3rd gen Nak
cassettes) distinguished by the intact between-song stuff in the first
set, and the other one produced by yours truly from Bear's masters
completed by Uli Teute's cassettes, which have the first set dead air
cut out.

As Uli has pointed out to me, and I believe he is absolutely correct, is
that the two audience tapes that supply set 1 (one with the banter, one
without) actually come from two different MASTERS. The overall ambience
is different, the banter is different, there's a guy close to the
microphones saying something over the opening notes of El Paso, for

I think this needs to be reflected in the Deadlists entry more clearly:
one taper stopped taping between songs in the first set, the other
didn't. The excellent audience master said to be made by Bear is the
THIRD master.

I also think the master without the banter is better in quality than the
more complete one, despite the unknown generation. The 3rd gen has an
obvious speed & distortion problem. Has anyone else actually compared
these different versions and would like to join in?

What I'm going to do is splice in what's missing on the version I did,
that's the dead air, a few cut-off song beginnings and the tuning &
intro before the first song. That should be the best now available
version (unless someone tells me to hold off 'cause a board tape is
about to show up anyway!)

Hanno Bunjes

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