Interesting idea. The thing that makes me think the circulating tape is different from the show the author describes is that St.Stephen had come to its close and gone into the Eleven long before Man's World came around. On the other hand, the Jam out of The Eleven>Drums is identical to a theme from the middle jam of the 5/2/70 Good Lovin'. It's possible that this jam may have done the following before the cut:
It may have gone through a brief instrumental St.Stephen riff, or (gasp!) a reprise of the Eleven theme before swinging into Good Lovin', then into Man's World, with another brief St.Stephen riff at some point before the circulating tape cuts back in.
Either that or it's a different (yet similar) set from the next night. If it's the same set and the author doesn't mention The Eleven (maybe he considered it to be part of St.Stephen), the. I wouldn't count on his being correct about the day of the week, either. Also, the article is dated 4/30/70 - he may have mixed the shows in his mind by then. In any case, I'd give the 4/25 date at most the same level of credibility than the "July 11, 1970" date spoken by Marty Weinberg on his master of what has long circulated as 7/12/70.
Here's hoping that one day a crisp, complete set of neatly labeled SBD reels will find their way out of hiding...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: one more idea about 4-24+25-70

hi folks

now you have read the newspapaer clipping and it looks like the author was quite familiar with the dead tunes.
My new idea is :
we dont  have a tape of 4-24-70 but of 4-25-70
richard wethey who taped the show lists no exact date on  the sheet  he sent along the reel when he swopped the tape with gerhard schinzel in the mid 70ties
i don't know how the 24. got attributed to what richard taped,but if he taped the 24. and the newspaper article is correct that would make 3 DS in a row  (26. also has a DS)  very unlikely
plus the article matches our tape just perfect

may be  we have the 25.. and do not know a bit about -4-24

what do you think???


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