According to former NRPS publicist (Michelle McFee):

Buddy Cage recalls (his memory isn't the best) that
he first sat in during some Bay Area NRPS gigs in
early Nov. 1971. (including 11/6 & 11/7)  

The plan was for Garcia and him to both sit in on 
pedal steel during the next tour, beginning 11/11/71 
in Atlanta.  Garcia's plane was late so Cage did the 
set without him and everyone was OK with it and Garcia 
never played pedal steel with NRPS again. (Garcia
plays banjo on 3/18/73)

Cage was on pedal steel at the 12/5/71 show, my first.
My friend Todd Brown saw the 11/15/71 show and remembers Cage
on pedal steel as well.


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