       A bit of trivia for 4/26/69 (Electric Theater, Chicago).  When they came out for the encore, Pigpen chased T.C. away from the organ.  So that's The Pen his bad old self  playing organ on Viola Lee.  (Pig was on congas for the rest of the show.)
       Most pinche trivial dept.:  Thumbing through the latest Taper's Compendium.  In Dwight Holmes's notes for the 4/26/69 encore, he says:  "You can Weir shout 'Hey, Bear!'".  Actually, it was Phil Lesh shouting:  "Hey, Weir!" at the spaced out Weir who was staring off at the ceiling.  Then Lesh begins the countdown, stomping his foot.
Take care,
Ron Ramsey
Santa Fe

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