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    Date: Sat,  4 Oct 2003 13:58:51 -0700
 Subject: 1972 updates

4.14.72, 4.17.72:  The city is called København.  There really
is no reason to insist on the English spelling of any city or (especially) 
venue.  What is a potential solution is to list the correct local spelling and 
then list the English spelling (as a compromise between German or French etc. 
spellings that might differ from the English spelling) alongside or as a 
footnote to the native spelling. This has been done in many publications.  

4.16.72:  The city is spelled Århus.  While earlier research led me to
think it was at Vejlby Risskovhallen, the venue appears to be:  Stakladen,
Nordre Ringgade, Århus Universitet, Århus, Denmark.

4.24.72:  The city is Düsseldorf.  The option key can be used to find
the umlaut.

4.26.72:  Jahrhunderthalle (one word).  While living in West Germany
during the 1981 tour, I met some local tapers who asserted that their friend
had done an audience tape of this show.  I lost contact with these guys when
I moved back to the States, so I cannot say if this was true or not.  It
appears to be a moot point due to the official release and "outtakes" in

5.3 and 5.4.72:  The venue is L'Olympia.  No "Theatre" in venue title.

5.11.72:  I find it difficult to believe the venue was called
"Rotterdam Civic Hall".  In addition, the redundant inclusion of the city
name before the venue title makes this citation more than a little suspect.
It may be that someone erroneously tried to translate the local name into
English or that they did not bother to record the proper and correct local
spelling of the venue in the first place.  Based on similar concerts held in
Rotterdam around this time period, the more likely name for this venue was:  De 
Doelen.  The show was probably held in the Grote Zaal.  My Dutch is limited to 
sketchy reading or verbal comprehension.  I am sure you could find a native who 
could do a little research to confirm this location.

5.13.72:  The "Fairgrounds"???  There has got to be a correct French
name for this venue site.  Again, someone who erroneously tried to translate
the local name or could not or would not spell the local name may be to
blame.  French speakers or natives must be able to help out on this one.

5.16.72:  Again, "Theatre Hall"???  Where is the correct local spelling
of the venue?

5.18.72:  The city is München.

I understand that you are the caretaker for 1972.  If so, my thanks for the 
time and effort it must take to work on the site.
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