Hello, I started floatin' in and out of what I call 'richochet web sites a couple of hours ago -(for today,that is..)- and found myself workin' on my web page.
I wanted to add more links and information on it and started with looking for some gr8ful dead links -(with graphics)- to put up and went on a dash through search engines.The funny thing I found is that in over 2 hours of finding lots of sites that I would like to add links to on my site,I have found not even one 'link to us' button,or graphic of any kind at all on any of the sites I went to.Not even a 'preferred text link' have I found. 
I find this very odd what with the huge amount of gr8ful dead art work to be found in countless places all around the world.
I  prefer to use graphic links on my page as it breaks it up and looks much better than just a page with a gazillion lines of text links on it and nothing else.
I suppose I could just design and use my own,but in the past,I have run into at least 2 minor setbacks after doing that kind of thing.--->
1.)--> It really suprised me to find so many people without 'link to me' preferences on their page that got rather pissed at me for designing,creating and using my graphic links to link to their pages.
2.)-->people would go looking for the 'link to' graphic at the page the link sent them to with no luck finding it .then they would contact the site owner asking where it could be found...well we know who got bit in the ass over that deal. (I was more or less forced to remove most of the links from my site and said the hell with it for a year or two.)
After reading me the riot act,most of them wanted me to give them the graphics so they could then use them on their sites.(for the same thing I was using them for.) - Go figure.
So,the purpose of this little story was/is  that most of the gr8ful dead sites I went to ask somewhere in the page for people to help them make the site bigger and that all Grateful Dead related stuff and/or items are wanted /sought/appreciated/accepted..ya-da,ya-da,ya-da...you get the drift...
But,although all of them had nice graphics on the pages (yes,I could just snag one and use it for a link...thats not nice and isn't near as much fun as making them yourself.Anyone can pull a snatch & grab) none of them even had a link to us entry on their pages anywhere.
I would like to put a link to your deadlists site on my page,do you have a link button you prefer or whats the story?
(Iwrote you one,so it's only fair you get to write me one,isn'tit?)
Well,thats al folks....I am Pasnthru-----

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