hi Kevin -

I was reading the notes for 12/18/73 - the one tape that is supposed to be from 'mics on stage' was recorded by a friend of mine. The mics were not on stage, but a few feet from the stage. He had gotten Garcia's permission to record the show by showing up at the soundcheck and showing them pictures of their Vanderbilt show, shooting the breeze, etc. Then he asked if he could record it. They had a guy helping him, who screwed it up and that's why the first two songs are missing.

My tape had the rest of the show, except I screwed up on China/Rider.

Just for clarification. I saw there had been a discussion in deadlists some time back.


Daniel G. McDonald
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee
3080 Derby Hall
154 N. Oval Mall
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43212

  • 12/18/73 Bednar, Jeffrey
    • 12/18/73 Dan McDonald

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