Dear Mr. Marshall:


            I came across your web site while looking for old GD performances.  I am the person who taped the Dead at Thelma’s on 12/10 and 11., l969.

I attended the first show on each night and taped them with cheapest possible Sony cassette recorder that I had carried with me in Vietnam, from which I had returned about six weeks earlier.  I can still remember how exciting it was to listen to the tape on the way home, and probably several times a day in the weeks thereafter.

Thelma’s was a real small place, which is why the tape turned out as good as it did.  At some point, I dubbed both cassettes onto a reel, which is where

most of the copies came from.  Amazingly, I still have the original cassette with Dark Star, but managed to lose the others.  I would be glad to expound on this at greater length if you wish.  You may respond to this email or I can be reached during the day at 336 434 4864.


Rion Brady



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