I would just like to point out that the exchange between Robert and Iver (Iver's quoted below) is an example of how I wish most Deadheads would resolve differences about details of shows, tapes, dates, etc. So often on Dead-related lists (as on almost any other list that I've been on), disagreements or differences of opinion quickly degenerate into something ugly and tedious, filled with sarcasm and vitirol. This civil exchange is a shining example of how such things should be handled among fans of this group, anyway.

But then, I've "known" (as much as any of us "know" our friends in the ether) and he's a class act and it shows.

Thanks, guys, for both the great poster info and for the kind posts. And, Iver, a BIG thanks for the poster site--most of my covers are thanks to you!


Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:31:04 -0500
From: "McLeod, Iver J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Alleged fake poster 2/4/68

Just so folks are aware, I am solely responsible for that "fake" poster
statement on my gd concert poster site, which is linked from (and hosted by)

Robert Gunning and I have already corresponded about this and I removed the
"fake" poster statement.  As I told Robert my original intent for that site
was only to post images of GD concert posters with links to setlists and
artists (when available), not to make statements about authenticity of
posters, variations between printings, etc.  But with that fake poster
statement I went a little farther than I intended.  FWIW, it was only up for
about a month or so. My apologies to "dead44004" and thanks to Robert for
the great information on these posters.


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