Yes, I should have said that with the exception of the original listing
which was partially derived from Deadbase as the only source for info on
these early shows.  Obviously, we now know that some of that data is

I don't mind adding the show but is this the only one where there's a poster
but no evidence that it was either performed or cancelled/postponed?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: McLeod, Iver J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 11:46 AM
> To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; deadlists@nemesis.CS.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: RE: 4/9/67
>  > Is there evidence that the GD actually performed?  
> Not that I'm aware of.  
> But it seems that the only evidence of any actual performance 
> would be tapes/eyewitness accounts/post-show reviews (and 
> maybe torn ticket stubs).
> There of course may be other evidence but I can't think of 
> any right now.
> Anyway, is there such corroborating evidence for every early 
> show on deadlists?  
> I hope this doesn't come across as critical - it's not meant 
> to be.  I'm just curious.  And I certainly won't be hurt if 
> 4/9/67 isn't added to deadlists. :^)
> Iver

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