Title: Dark Star list updated
Thanks for updating the list of circulating Dark Stars! A couple of questions / comments:
- are we now accepting 8/28/68 as a correct date for the recording that has circulated for years under that date?
- 2/12/69 definitely does circulate with a partial Dark Star, which cuts in at the middle and runs 4:58.
- if we're still interested in listing the Kokomo versions of Dark Star, there is one from 8/10/85 that circulates as a mediocre audience recording. (Of course, if we're listing Kokomo versions, it would also make sense to list all versions by Other Ones, Ratdog, Phil & Friends, etc. I think the Dark Star list originated at a time when it was a novelty for GD bandmembers to play the song outside the band, which is no longer the case in the post-Garcia period.)

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