My favorite search term used to get to the site is Hoochie :-)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kevin
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:57 PM
To: deadlists@nemesis.CS.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Deadlists Site Uesage

Some interesting (or not so interesting) factoids about the DeadLists site
these days.  I think the last time I posted this was about 2 years ago.

Month           Unique visitors Number of visits                Pages
Hits            Bandwidth 
Jan 2007        9852            22396                   208689
351407          4.83 GB 

Fridays have the highest level of activity on the site. 
Pages           Hits            Bandwidth 
7065            11519.25        175.64 MB 

The daily peak averages the highest between 8-9pm 
Pages           Hits            Bandwidth 
12589           21208           338.56 MB 

Top Robots/Spiders visitors 
31 different robots*    Hits    Bandwidth       Last visit 
MSIECrawler             66702   590.06 MB       31 Jan 2007 - 04:42 
Inktomi Slurp           36576   373.96 MB       31 Jan 2007 - 23:58 
MSNBot          29927   293.87 MB       31 Jan 2007 - 23:58 
Googlebot               12905   121.13 MB       31 Jan 2007 - 23:57 
AskJeeves               4463    16.69 MB        31 Jan 2007 - 23:57 
Turn It In              688     4.43 MB 17 Jan 2007 - 23:31 
GigaBot                 453     2.55 MB 29 Jan 2007 - 08:17 
Voyager         247     1.50 MB 31 Jan 2007 - 17:54 

50% of the site's visitors spend less than 30 seconds on the site 
Total Number of visits: 22396 - Average: 490 seconds 
Time            Visits  Percent 
0s-30s          11791   52.6 % 
30s-2mn 3045    13.5 % 
2mn-5mn 1852    8.2 % 
5mn-15mn        2044    9.1 % 
15mn-30mn       1289    5.7 % 
30mn-1h 1471    6.5 % 
1h+             904     4 % 

The Show Results page is by the far the most visited page (probably because
that's the link used by, along with others who've asked to link
to show dates).  Viewed 75k+ times and nearly twice the next closest page

An example:  <> 

By Operating system 
Operating Systems       Hits    Percent 
Windows         294918  83.9 % 
Macintosh               41400   11.7 % 
Unknown         12302   3.5 % 
Linux                   2458    0.6 % 
Sun Solaris             273     0 % 
WebTV                   42      0 % 
Irix                    8       0 % 
Symbian OS              6       0 % 

By search engine: 
- Google                2528    2529 
- Yahoo                 616     662 
- Google (Images)       252     344 
- MSN                   200     200 
- Unknown engine        95      95 
- AOL                   83      84 
- Ask Jeeves            30      30 
- Dogpile               14      14 
- AltaVista             14      14 
- Netscape              13      13 
- Others                        12      13 

Most commonly used search words used in the search engines (which are passed
by the sites that send them) 
1257 different keywords Search  Percent 
dead            1554    17.6 % 
grateful                1199    13.6 % 
Setlists                561     6.3 % 
deadlists       489     5.5 % 
deadlist                378     4.2 % 
lists           221     2.5 % 
set             175     1.9 % 
setlist         170     1.9 % 
posters         157     1.7 % 
concert         127     1.4 % 

Uniquely used keywords (used once, but which I found
interesting/funny/strange - some im not sure how they got to deadlists)


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