Hi Gordon,

What a great site!
I found it through psilo.com. I just sent them a scan of my pass to the Duke 
4/12/78 concert.

I expect you are generous calling the video from Duke "a little rough." I was 
the producer of that video and I can tell you we were all pretty much rookies. 
We were working for the young student television station that broadcast through 
a closed cable system to the dorms and a few other places. I remember that 
night well. We needed 10 passes so that we could work in shifts and when the 
tour people heard that number they were not happy. But they gave us the passes 
in the end. I think it's lucky that even part of the video survives. There were 
only a handful of us running the station and I expect the only security we had 
was a lock on the storage room door. Anyone could have walked off with a tape 
pretty easily. Anyway, it was a fantastic experience making that video and I'm 
thrilled to learn that some of it has survived.

Isabel Schaff Cabanne

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