
I really like your site. Lots of details, which is why I was surprised that
you missed my favorite Phil moments *ever *that were at this 3/28/88 show.
On the Sbd its at the end of Franklin's Tower.

Phil (in response to some yelling or minor 'We want Phil' chant): "All you
folks down front, didn't your Mommy ever tell you. . . you can't always get
what you want."

(some audience comment)

Phil: "Bunch of weisenheimers, huh?"

Band breaks into Box of Rain, Phil flubs the lyrics but ad libs with: "What
do you want me to do, *to remember the words*, to see you through? Well
please don't be surprised *when you find me forgetting them*!"

Anyway, thanks for listening!

Best regards,

Bryan Burns

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