Hello Professor,

The problem was because of the mesh. I regenerated the mesh and this time 
there is no such issue that arises. 
I think the options used to export and make the mesh earlier were wrong.

Thanks for your help again.

On Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 11:26:49 PM UTC-5, RAJAT ARORA wrote:
> I am posting the error here.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <5594> of file </home/rajat/Documents/Code-
> Libraries/deal/dealii8.3/dealii-8.3.0/include/deal.II/numerics/
> vector_tools.templates.h> in function
>     void dealii::VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints(
> const DH<dim, spacedim>&, unsigned int, const std::set<unsigned char>&, 
> typename dealii::FunctionMap<spacedim>::type&, dealii::ConstraintMatrix&, 
> const dealii::Mapping<dim, spacedim>&) [with int dim = 3; DH = dealii::
> DoFHandler; int spacedim = 3; typename dealii::FunctionMap<spacedim>::type 
> = std::map<unsigned char, const dealii::Function<3, double>*, std::less<
> unsigned char>, std::allocator<std::pair<const unsigned char, const dealii
> ::Function<3, double>*> > >]
> The violated condition was: 
>     cell_to_normals_map.size() == 1
> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
>     ExcInternalError()
> Additional Information: 
> This exception -- which is used in many places in the library -- usually 
> indicates that some condition which the author of the code thought must be 
> satisfied at a certain point in an algorithm, is not fulfilled. An 
> example would be that the first part of an algorithm sorts elements of an 
> array in ascending order, and a second part of the algorithm later 
> encounters an an element that is not larger than the previous one.
> There is usually not very much you can do if you encounter such an 
> exception since it indicates an error in deal.II, not in your own program. 
> Try to come up with the smallest possible program that still demonstrates 
> the error and contact the deal.II mailing lists with it to obtain help.
> Stacktrace:
> -----------
> #0 
> /home/rajat/Documents/Code-Libraries/deal/dealii8.3/installed-dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.8.3.0:
> void dealii::VectorTools::compute_nonzero_normal_flux_constraints<3, 
> dealii::DoFHandler, 3>(dealii::DoFHandler<3, 3> const&, unsigned int, 
> std::set<unsigned char, std::less<unsigned char>, std::allocator<unsigned 
> char> > const&, dealii::FunctionMap<3, double>::type&, 
> dealii::ConstraintMatrix&, dealii::Mapping<3, 3> const&)
> #1 
> /home/rajat/Documents/Code-Libraries/deal/dealii8.3/installed-dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.8.3.0:
> void dealii::VectorTools::compute_no_normal_flux_constraints<3, 
> dealii::DoFHandler, 3>(dealii::DoFHandler<3, 3> const&, unsigned int, 
> std::set<unsigned char, std::less<unsigned char>, std::allocator<unsigned 
> char> > const&, dealii::ConstraintMatrix&, dealii::Mapping<3, 3> const&)
> #2  ./fdm: BugFinder<3>::BugFinder(int)
> #3  ./fdm: main
> --------------------------------------------------------
> On Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 11:25:49 PM UTC-5, RAJAT ARORA wrote:
>> Hello Professor,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I am actually doing what you suggested but still I am getting error 
>> (Assertion) in the debug mode.
>> I am setting boundary ids for all the cells (not just active) which are 
>> either locally_owned or ghost. 
>> The assertion is triggered in the compute_no_normal_flux_conditions.
>> I have made a minimal test case to demonstrate this.
>> Kindly look at the code attached. 
>> Also, the mesh is read from a mesh.ucd file using read_ucd function from 
>> grid in class.
>> Thanks.
>> On Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 9:01:49 AM UTC-5, Wolfgang Bangerth 
>> wrote:
>>> On 12/07/2016 10:50 PM, RAJAT ARORA wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > I am using deal.ii to solve  a 3D solid mechanics problem which uses 
>>> > Parallel::Distributed::Triangulation. 
>>> > 
>>> > I have a question related to setting the boundary indicators on the 
>>> > triangulation when no automatic partitioning is allowed. 
>>> > 
>>> > To set the boundary ids, 
>>> > 
>>> > 1) Should I only loop over active_cells (triangulation.begin_active() 
>>> to 
>>> > triangulation.end()) or all cells (triangulation.begin() to 
>>> triangulation.end()) ? 
>>> > 
>>> > 2) Should the boundary ids be set only for locally_owned_cells or for 
>>> all 
>>> > cells (locally_owned + ghost )  ? 
>>> You need to set boundary_ids for at least locally owned and ghost cells. 
>>> But 
>>> there is no harm setting them for all cells, so I might just go with 1/ 
>>> above. 
>>> It's easiest to set them for *all* cells (not just the active ones) 
>>> because 
>>> then boundary ids can be inherited upon mesh refinement from parent face 
>>> to 
>>> child face. 
>>> Best 
>>>   W. 
>>> -- 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bang...@colostate.edu 
>>>                             www: 
>>> http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/ 

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