Hi Alex,

> Yes I began this project by reviewing step-8 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdealii.org%2F8.4.1%2Fdoxygen%2Fdeal.II%2Fstep_8.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNE8fid8PZJVBvCz_Ixx08I0EOi-8A>
>  and 
> the Handling vector valued problems 
> <https://dealii.org/8.4.1/doxygen/deal.II/group__vector__valued.html> module. 
> That led me to using extractors.

Ok. I didn't mean to be rude by asking, so I hope that you didn't take any 
offence to me doing so!

> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dealii.org%2Fdeveloper%2Fdoxygen%2Fdeal.II%2Fstep_57.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNE6vPIRLDSt5O067SsyGpHe2_cctg>
>  almost clarifies my problem; but unfortunately I don't see its exact 
> weak form, and rather it just references back to the Stokes tutorial. 

Yes, I agree that the fact that there's no explicit expression of the weak 
form makes it a little difficult to see the direct link between the strong 
form and the assembly procedure. From what I can discern, these two terms 
result from the linearisation of the convective term
+ present_velocity_gradients[q]*phi_u[j]*phi_u[i]
+ grad_phi_u[j]*present_velocity_values[q]*phi_u[i]
So the phi_u[i], the vector valued shape function associated with the i'th 
DoF, part comes from the discretisation of the vector-valued velocity test 
function, and the phi_u[j] (and grad_phi_u[j], the gradient of the vector 
valued shape function associated with the j'th DoF) come from the 
discretisation of the increment to the velocity field, and 
present_velocity_gradients[q] is the total velocity vector at quadrature 
point p. 

> The term present_velocity_gradients[q]*phi_u[j]*phi_u[i] from its matrix 
> assembly caught my eye. I think this is similar to my v*gradz*w, which 
> per a quick test I did is equivalent to gradz*w*v.  My understanding is 
> that dealii::Tensor::operator* automatically transposes (at least in the 
> abstract) rank 1 tensors to make dot products, which makes all of this 
> work. 

Exactly. Referring back to what you wrote originally, and writing it a 
similar grouping of terms,
== (present_velocity_gradients[q]*phi_u[j])*phi_u[i] 
<==> (_w[J]*_gradz[I][J]) * _v[I] on a per-component basis

Because of the way the *operator is defined, I think that the intended 
computation will take place in the following steps:
==> tmp_tensor * phi_u[i]
==> result_scalar
where, obviously,
tmp_tensor == present_velocity_gradients[q]*phi_u[j]
and, in particular, this is a contraction of the right-most index of the 
Tensor<2,dim> that is present_velocity_gradients[q] and
tmp_tensor * phi_u[i] 
is just the scalar product of two vectors.

Using other groupings, this could also probably be rewritten as
== contract3 

I must admit that the implementation of this term does seem a bit ambiguous 
though. I don't know whether the compiler would preferentially choose this 
order of operations
which also appears (to me, at least) to be legal since a tensor can be 
scaled from the right by a factor. Maybe Timo could comment on this.

Since step-57 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dealii.org%2Fdeveloper%2Fdoxygen%2Fdeal.II%2Fstep_57.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNE6vPIRLDSt5O067SsyGpHe2_cctg>
>  has 
> to assume something about the indexing of present_velocity_gradients[q], 
> maybe 
> Timo or Liang Zhao can definitively answer my original question. 

Well, I can say with certainty that the first index of this rank-2 tensor 
relates to the solution (velocity) field, and the second to the 
differential operator that is being applied. Its explained here in the 
documentation of get_function_gradients 
(without the extractor) but is admittedly not expanded on in the 
documentation of the equivalent get_function_gradients 
for FEValuesViews, which is the type of object returned by 
fe_values[extractor]. Does this provide the clarification that you've been 
looking for?

> What's the best way to draw a specific person's attention to a question on 
> the mailing list? :)

Just post a question/request and hope for the best ;-) I'm pretty sure that 
Timo will read this at some point (won't you Timo?).

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