Dear all,

Couldn't find what I want in previous posts, so I post the problem here: I 
pass my triangulation to a function in my mesh generating class (by 
reference) and want to set the boundary ID and material IDs. My 

parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> triangulation;

How I set boundary ID:
template <int dim>
void MeshGenerator<dim>::setup_boundary_ids
(parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> &tria)
  for (typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator
       cell=tria.begin_active(); cell!=tria.end(); ++cell)
    if (cell->is_locally_owned())
      for (unsigned int fn=0; fn<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++fn)
        if (cell->face(fn)->at_boundary())
          Point<dim> ct = cell->face(fn)->center();
          if (std::fabs(ct[0])<1.0e-14)
            cell->face(fn)->set_boundary_id (0);
          else if (std::fabs(ct[0]-axis_max_values[0])<1.0e-14)
            cell->face(fn)->set_boundary_id (1);
          else if (std::fabs(ct[1])<1.0e-14)
            cell->face(fn)->set_boundary_id (2);
          else if (std::fabs(ct[1]-axis_max_values[1])<1.0e-14)
            cell->face(fn)->set_boundary_id (3);
          std::cout << "boundary id " << cell->face(fn)->boundary_id () << 
      }// face
    }// locally owned cell
When this function is called with taking triangulation as input, it prints 
on the screen as :"boundary id " without the boundary ID following.

The same thing happens to my function setting material ID, which takes the 
same arguments in. Do you have any idea what's happening or what I can 
provide to help diagnose the problem?

Thanks a lot!

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