Hi all, 

I would like ask today that possible factors that might affect, (badly) 
accuracy of streamline diffusion method for pure hyperbolic equation. 

I am solving hyperbolic equation , \nabla( beta \dot u ) = f(x), as it is 
suggested in tutorial step-9, 

Step-9 tutorial explained this very nicely, and I could get very 
well-behaved solution when I use linear element for my test and basis 

But, I am not receiving well behaved solution when I use higher order for 
my elements, the error in solution still has accuracy of O(h), not 

I refered some references on Streamline Diffusion method, and papers tell 
me that I can expect at least p+(1/2) accuracy..but my accuracy is always 
O(h)... no matter the order of element I use. 

So, I suspect that I am being caught by somewhere that is only first order 

My weak form formation is exactly same with tutorial 9 

   // Advection Term

                     scratch_data.fe_values.shape_value(i,q_point) * ( 
advection_directions[q_point] * 
scratch_data.fe_values.shape_grad(j,q_point)) //(beta grad u)


  // Stabilization term (Streamline Diffusion Method) 

                    + *tau * * ( advection_directions[q_point] * 
scratch_data.fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point) )

                      *(advection_directions[q_point] * 


For tau , which determines the strength of diffusion term, was chosen to be 
'0.1h'. (Should this be chosen more wisely? Otherwise, I cannot expect 
'p+(1/2)' order for error? 

Another possible source of error might come from Integration Gauss 

but the weak form (v,beta \cdot \nabla u) is locally '2p-1' polynomial, and 
I have used  enough Gauss Quadrature order for integrating the weak form.. 

Any one has idea on possible point I will have to check to attain (p+1/2) 
error behavior ? 

Always thank you, 


Jaekwang Kim 


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