AFAIK there is no know problem. 
Make sure you write this only from a single MPI core, though.
Otherwise you will have multiple MPI cores trying to write into the same 


On Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 8:43:55 AM UTC+2, Maxi Miller wrote:
> Sometimes when running my program on a cluster with several nodes I get 
> the error
> ERROR: Uncaught exception in MPI_InitFinalize on proc 0. Skipping 
> MPI_Finalize() to avoid a deadlock.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Exception on processing:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <5045> of file <~/Downloads/dealii/source/base/
>> in function
>     void dealii::DataOutBase::write_vtu_header(std::ostream&, const dealii
> ::DataOutBase::VtkFlags&)
> The violated condition was:
>     out
> Additional information:
>     An input/output error has occurred. There are a number of reasons why 
> this may be happening, both for reading and writing operations.
> If this happens during an operation that tries to read data: First, you 
> may be trying to read from a file that doesn't exist or that is not 
> readable given its file permissions. Second, deal.II uses this error at 
> times if it tries to read information from a file but where the information 
> in the file does not correspond to the expected format. An example would be 
> a truncated file, or a mesh file that contains not only sections that 
> describe the vertices and cells, but also sections for additional data that 
> deal.II does not understand.
> If this happens during an operation that tries to write data: you may be 
> trying to write to a file to which file or directory permissions do not 
> allow you to write. A typical example is where you specify an output file 
> in a directory that does not exist.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Aborting!
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Reproducing this error is difficult for me, after it does not emerge every 
> time, but rather sometimes, and not after a specific amount of steps. It 
> arises when trying to write files (method output_results). What could I do 
> to narrow the problem down? Or is there a known problem?
> Thank you!

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