Hi Wolfgang

>  but if you treat the nonlinearity implicitly, and time discretized model 
> will remain 
> nonlinear and needs to be solved with a Newton scheme or similar. The 
> appropriate solver for that system then remains FGMRES. 

  Thank you for your hints on my previous question. Now I have extended 
step-57 to be time-dependent. I added a u,t term which is approximated 
using backward Euler, and all the remaining terms are treated implicitly. 
Newton iteration is still used at every time step. The system becomes
  (A + M/dt)U = F - (\delta v,  (u^{k+1} - u^k)/dt)_\Omega, BU = P, which 
is similar to what we have in step-57 except the LHS(0, 0) and RHS(0) are 

  I'm still using the same preconditioner developed in step-57. So far it 
works the simple case of lid-driven cavity flow. My questions are: 
  1. It doesn't make much sense to keep using the preconditioner developed 
for steady NSE here, are there any simple ways to adapt it for 
time-dependent problems?
  2. Instead of working on better preconditioners, can I simply treat the 
convection term explicitly (using the value at last time step)? The reason 
is that doing so would make the LHS of the equation symmetric  (I think), 
which should be easy to solve. This seems to be much easier.

  What is the correct direction to go (for engineering applications where 
convection is significant)?


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