HI, I'm still looking for help with this problem. it would be much 
appreciated. thanks

On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 11:39:16 PM UTC, Jane Lee wrote:
> Hi Wolfgang, happy new year and hope you had a good break. 
> I'm back working on this and I just don't understand what I am doing 
> wrong. 
> Firstly, I decided not to use the normal vector for now. Since the normal 
> vector is 2D, i wasn't sure how to implement the rest so that it is a 
> 'double' since my g (neumann condition vector) has 3 components when the 
> normal vector will only have 2?
> I went back to the beginning - step-22 tutorial and started from absolute 
> basics. Testing with 1D, i have started with exact solution u=(0,-y^2)^T 
> and p = y^3, ie purely vertical. Doing a manufactured solution type, i get 
> the right hand side vector f = (0, 4+3z^2, 2z)^T. with my solution, on a 
> rectangular domain, i have no tangential stresses anywhere, no flux on 
> sides (unit normal being (/pm 1,0)), and plus and minus (0, z^3 + 4z) at 
> the top. 
> I have added the following changes to step-22:
>         std::set<types::boundary_id> no_normal_flux_boundaries;
>         no_normal_flux_boundaries.insert (0);
>         VectorTools::compute_no_normal_flux_constraints (dof_handler, 0,
> no_normal_flux_boundaries,
>                                                          constraints);
> for the no flux condition. 
> tangential stresses are automatically satisfied, and on the top (and 
> similarly for the bottom), i add the following with necessary 
> accompaniments:
>                             local_rhs(i) -= 
> (topstress_values[q_point](component_i)*
> fe_face_values.shape_value(i,q_point) 
> *
>                                             fe_face_values.JxW(q_point));
> Note that I am solving this DIRECT, so my local_matrix only has three 
> terms (the last is omitted which is used in the schur complement). Could 
> this be causing problems?
> For ease of understanding and hopefully for swift closing of this issue, 
> i've attached the full code. When you run it, the pressure seems to be 
> fine, but the velocity is playing up. the error for the pressure is 
> converging properly too, but not for the velocity. 
> Dirichlet boundary conditions work so i think it is indeed how I am 
> implementing stress conditions. 
> Any help would be very very much appreciated. 

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