Nice catch! I forgot to mention it is bilinear. But thanks for all the 

在 2018年3月28日星期三 UTC-7下午12:42:27,Wolfgang Bangerth写道:
> > | 
> > // The vector I want to output is the solution for vector-valued 
> problem. 
> > // I want to output the cell-average value for the 0th component. 
> > Vector<double>modi (solu); 
> > Quadrature<dim>qq(fe.get_unit_support_points()); 
> > FEValues<dim>fv(fe,qq,update_values |update_quadrature_points); 
> > std::vector<bool>selected_dofs (dof_handler.n_dofs()); 
> > 
> > // comp[0] is the 0th component of 
> > std::vector<FEValuesExtractors::Scalar> for the system 
> > 
> DoFTools::extract_dofs(dof_handler,fe.component_mask(comp[0]),selected_dofs); 
> > std::vector<types::global_dof_index>local_to_global_dof 
> (fe.dofs_per_cell); 
> > 
> > 
> > // modify the 0th component 
> > for(typenameDoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator 
> >         cell=dof_handler.begin_active();cell!=dof_handler.end();++cell){ 
> >      fv.reinit(cell); 
> >      std::vector<double>local_sol(qq.size()); 
> >      fv[comp[0]].get_function_values(solu_out,local_sol); 
> > doubleavg 
> > =std::accumulate(local_sol.begin(),local_sol.end(),0.)/local_sol.size(); 
> >      cell->get_dof_indices (local_to_global_dof); 
> > for(autoi=0;i<fe.dofs_per_cell;++i){ 
> > if(selected_dofs[local_to_global_dof[i]]){ 
> >          solu_out[local_to_global_dof[i]]=avg; 
> > } 
> > } 
> > } 
> > | 
> This code gives an approximation in that it takes the average of the 
> values of the degrees of freedom on each cell, but that is not equal to 
> the spatial average 
>    1/|K| \int_K u_h(x) dx 
> that you probably want to compute. That's because if you expand u_h on 
> cell K into 
>    u_h(x)  =  \sum_i  U_i  \phi_i(x) 
> then the *real* average is given by 
>    \sum_i U_i  (1/|K| \int_K phi_i(x) dx) 
> but in general you do not have that 
>    1/|K| \int_K phi_i(x) dx  ==  const = 1/dofs_per_cell 
> (This is true for Q1 elements, but not for higher order elements.) 
> Consequently, you probably want to use a proper integration formula. 
> Maybe something like this: 
>    QGauss<dim> quadrature(degree + 2); 
>    FEValues<dim> fe_values (...); 
>    Vector<double> cellwise_averages (triangulation.n_active_cells()); 
>    for (auto cell : ...) 
>      { 
>         fe_values.reinit (cell); 
>         fe_values.get_function_values (solution, local_values); 
>         double average = 0; 
>         double cell_volume = 0; 
>         for (q=0.....) 
>         { 
>           average += local_values[q] * fe_values.JxW(q); 
>           cell_volume += fe_values.JxW(q); 
>         } 
>         average /= cell_volume; 
>         cellwise_averages(cell->active_cell_index()) = average; 
>      } 
> You can then attach this vector with as many entries as there are cells 
> to a DataOut and output it, or do whatever else you need to do with it! 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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