Dear Jean-Paul,

Thank you for your reply! As the examples you set, and an answer I 
found:  See "Use for serialization" in
these functions such as  ' Triangulation::save()', 'Triangulation::load()', 
void SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, DoFHandlerType 
>::prepare_serialization ( const VectorType & in ) 
 void SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, DoFHandlerType >::deserialize ( 
& in )
are all used in the parallel examples.
But my code is not use any class and headfile for parallel one. Shall I 
rewrite my code into a parallel one? Thank you very much!


在 2018年11月5日星期一 UTC+8下午5:01:06,Jean-Paul Pelteret写道:
> Dear Chucui,
> I don’t use this functionality myself, so I can only point you to the 
> test suite 
> <> where 
> its functionality is tested. Here 
> <> is 
> one example where a distributed triangulation is saved and loaded, and 
> here 
> <> is 
> one where a distributed triangulation + solution is saved and loaded with a 
> different number of MPI processes.
> Best,
> Jean-Paul

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