Dear Prof. Bangerth,

Thanks very much for your quick answer!

> Constraints are funny and sometimes require deep thought about what 
> they mean. What happens if you don't apply constraints to the 
> cell_volume_matrix and cell_gradient_matrix -- i.e., you copy the 
elements 1:1 
> into the matrix, without the 'constraints' object? (Like in step-4.) 
I rewrite my code as you say, and the results are:
Cycle 0:
   Number of active cells:       20
   Number of degrees of freedom: 89
 u square 0: 0.0305621  grad u square 0: 0.256542
Cycle 1:
   Number of active cells:       44
   Number of degrees of freedom: 209
 u square 1: 0.144303  grad u square 1: 0.49794
Cycle 2:
   Number of active cells:       92
   Number of degrees of freedom: 449
 u square 2: 0.101366  grad u square 2: 0.477137
Cycle 3:
   Number of active cells:       188
   Number of degrees of freedom: 881
 u square 3: 0.13305  grad u square 3: 0.529805
Cycle 4:
   Number of active cells:       368
   Number of degrees of freedom: 1737
 u square 4: 0.145489  grad u square 4: 0.565953
Cycle 5:
   Number of active cells:       737
   Number of degrees of freedom: 3409
 u square 5: 0.141771  grad u square 5: 0.574863
Cycle 6:
   Number of active cells:       1436
   Number of degrees of freedom: 6705
 u square 6: 0.171807  grad u square 6: 0.642486
Cycle 7:
   Number of active cells:       2729
   Number of degrees of freedom: 12521
 u square 7: 0.160819  grad u square 7: 0.625337

The attached is the code ,which doesn't use 
"constraints.distribute_local_to_global(...)" and 
"DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,  constraints);"
if "DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler,  constraints);" 
remain, the results:
Cycle 0:
   Number of active cells:       20
   Number of degrees of freedom: 89
 u square 0: 0.0305621  grad u square 0: 0.256542
Cycle 1:
   Number of active cells:       44
   Number of degrees of freedom: 209
 u square 1: 0.0822159  grad u square 1: 2.97512
Cycle 2:
   Number of active cells:       92
   Number of degrees of freedom: 449
 u square 2: 0.000404454  grad u square 2: 0.0534184
Cycle 3:
   Number of active cells:       188
   Number of degrees of freedom: 937
 u square 3: 9.40228e-05  grad u square 3: 0.0378517
Cycle 4:
   Number of active cells:       368
   Number of degrees of freedom: 1793
 u square 4: 7.66868e-05  grad u square 4: 0.0403114
Cycle 5:
   Number of active cells:       704
   Number of degrees of freedom: 3321
 u square 5: 5.9193e-05  grad u square 5: 0.0366146
Cycle 6:
   Number of active cells:       1412
   Number of degrees of freedom: 6657
 u square 6: 6.47763e-05  grad u square 6: 0.0455655
Cycle 7:
   Number of active cells:       2696
   Number of degrees of freedom: 12477
 u square 7: 2.50787e-05  grad u square 7: 0.0320763

So I wander if it approximate the "grad u_exact square" and  "u_exact 
square" correctly?  
Because in my numerical experiments, the  "grad u_h square" and  "u_h 
square" of numerical solution u_h are what we take care of. 

So if the computions of "grad u_h square" and  "u_h square" are divided 
from other work like visualization, error estimation, are these results 
correct if change the using of constraints?
And without "constraints..distribute_local_to_global(...)", the information 
of boundary may not use correctly (for example, My boundary condition is 
periodic boundary condition).

Thank you very much!


在 2019年2月12日星期二 UTC+8下午1:49:15,Wolfgang Bangerth写道:
> On 2/11/19 12:20 AM, <javascript:> wrote: 
> > Dear Prof. Bangerth: 
> > 
> > Thank you very much for your quick reply! 
> > 
> > When I apply hanging node constraints to my matrix, as the step-6 
> > says: 
> > I make 4 steps: 
> >      1.Create a Constraints Class: 
> > | 
> > ConstraintMatrix    constraints; 
> > | 
> > 
> >      2.Fill this object using the function 
> > DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints() to ensure continuity of the 
> elements 
> > of the finite element space. 
> > | 
> > DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints (dof_handler, 
> >                                             constraints); 
> > | 
> > 
> >      3.Copy the local contributions to the matrix and right hand side 
> into the 
> > global objects: 
> > | 
> >        constraints.distribute_local_to_global (cell_matrix, 
> >                                                cell_rhs, 
> >                                                local_dof_indices, 
> >                                                system_matrix, 
> >                                                system_rhs); 
> >        constraints.distribute_local_to_global (cell_volume_matrix, 
> >                                                local_dof_indices, 
> >                                                volume_matrix); 
> >        constraints.distribute_local_to_global (cell_gradient_matrix, 
> >                                                local_dof_indices, 
> >                                                gradient_matrix); 
> > | 
> > 
> > 
> >      4.Make sure that the degrees of "freedom" located on hanging nodes 
> get 
> > their correct (constrained) value: 
> > | 
> >   constraints.distribute (solution); 
> > | 
> Constraints are funny and sometimes require deep thought about what 
> exactly 
> they mean. What happens if you don't apply constraints to the 
> cell_volume_matrix and cell_gradient_matrix -- i.e., you copy the elements 
> 1:1 
> into the matrix, without the 'constraints' object? (Like in step-4.) 
> Alternatively, you could do as you show above and after calling 
> 'constraint.distribute(solution)' you manually set all constrained degrees 
> of 
> freedom in the solution vector to zero. That's not what you want to use 
> for 
> visualization, error estimation, ... but it might work for the operation 
> you're trying here. 
> I'm pretty sure that both of these solutions should work individually (but 
> not 
> in combination). But explaining why this is so would take a page or two, 
> I'm 
> afraid. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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