On 2/23/19 7:16 PM, Yangshuai Wang wrote:
> Thanks so much! I delete const, and the error says:
> An error occurred in line <1105> of file 
> </Applications/deal.II-9.0.0.app/Contents/Resources/include/deal.II/lac/vector.h>
>  in function
>      Number &dealii::Vector<double>::operator()(const 
> dealii::Vector::size_type) [number = double]
> The violated condition was:
>      i<vec_size
> Additional information:
>      Index 289 is not in the half-open range [0,289).

So you sized the vector to have 289 elements (0...288) but then you try to 
write into element 289 as you continue to read from a file. Apparently, your 
file has more than 289 double precision numbers. (You also have to pay 
attention that you could have been reading the first 289 elements already and 
the 289th read fails -- but you only find out about it after the fact because 
the statement 'while(!File.eof())' might only stop the iteration once the last 
read failed. This could happen if, for example, you have a space or a newline 
after the 289th element: in that case, after reading the 289th element, you 
are not yet at the end of the file, and so you attempt to read and write into 
the 290th element, even though the read will have failed.)

> By the way, I can read my "solution-txt" file to an array, but how to 
> transfer the array to Vector<double> type since the solution in 
> KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate must be a Vector.

You could create a Vector of the correct size and simply copy the elements one 
by one from your array into the vector.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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