Hello everyone,
I am currently solving a GLS stabilized form of the Navier-Stokes equation 
using DEALII.
The residual of the system looks similar to the regular Incompressible 
Navier-Stokes, except that a stiffness matrix that is dependent on the 
element size is added to the P-P block.
I have a great success / scaling when solving Manufactured Solutions and I 
have been able to reach relatively decent P1-P! meshes (say 2056x2056 or 
256x256x256) on a workstation computer.
I am currently using the GMRES Trilinos Wrapper with ILU preconditioning 
with a relatively high fill-in level (4).

One of the issue of my system is that the pressure is defined up to a 
constant. On coarse mesh this does not affect the GMRES solver. However, on 
finer mesh, it seems that the GMRES Solver is greatly affected by this 
near-singularity of the matrix system.
I have often read in the literature that for stabilized method, the best 
way was to remove the "mode" associated to a constant pressure. I believe 
this implies some sort of projection of the residual in a space without a 
pressure constant?

I know this is a very broad question, but how would I go and implement such 
a thing in my solver?
Are there any examples in DEALII where a Poisson problem is solved but with 
strictly Neumann boundaries? That would be a very similar problem that 
could guide me in the right direction.

Thank you very much for your help. The support of this forum is greatly 

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