HI all,

I'm trying to implement a time-dependent convection equation using DG 
elements with periodic boundary conditions on and adaptive mesh.

However, when I try to adapt the mesh using periodic using this code:

  // estimate the error in each cell
  Vector<float> estimatedErrorPerCell(triangulation.n_active_cells());
QGauss<dim-1>(feSystem.degree + 1), {}, solution.block(0), 
QGauss<dim-1>(feSystem.degree + 1), {}, solution, estimatedErrorPerCell);

  // refine cells with the largest estimated error (80 per cent of the 
error) and coarsens those cells with the smallest error (10 per cent of the 
estimatedErrorPerCell, 0.8, 0.1);

  // to prevent the decrease in time step size limit the maximal refinement 
depth of the meshlimit the maximal refinement depth of the mesh
  if( triangulation.n_levels()>maxGridLevel ) {
    for( auto& cell : 
triangulation.active_cell_iterators_on_level(maxGridLevel) ) { 
cell->clear_refine_flag(); }

  // store previous and current solution on the coarser mesh
  std::vector<BlockVector<double> > tempSolution(2);
  tempSolution[0] = oldSolution; tempSolution[1] = solution;

  // transfer the solution vectors from the old mesh to the new one
  SolutionTransfer<dim, BlockVector<double> > transfer(dofHandler);

  // prepare for the refinement---we have to prepare the transfer as well
  *triangulation.prepare_**coarsening_and_refinement();* // for some 
reason, this doesn't tell the cells across a periodic boundary that they 
need to be refined

  // do the refinement and reset the DoFs

  std::vector<BlockVector<double> > temp(2);
  ReinitializeVector(temp[0]); ReinitializeVector(temp[1]);
  transfer.interpolate(tempSolution, temp);

  oldSolution = temp[0]; solution = temp[1];


*I get this error:*

An error occurred in line <992> of file 
</home/add8536/Software/dealii/source/grid/tria.cc> in function
    void dealii::{anonymous}::update_periodic_face_map_recursively(const 
typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator&, const 
typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator&, unsigned 
int, unsigned int, const std::bitset<3>&, std::map<std::pair<typename 
dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator, unsigned int>, 
std::pair<std::pair<typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, 
spacedim>::cell_iterator, unsigned int>, std::bitset<3> > >&) [with int dim 
= 2; int spacedim = 2; typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, 
spacedim>::cell_iterator = dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<2, 2> 
The violated condition was:
    dim == 1 || std::abs(cell_1->level() - cell_2->level()) < 2
Additional information:
    This exception -- which is used in many places in the library -- 
usually indicates that some condition which the author of the code thought 
must be satisfied at a certain point in an algorithm, is not fulfilled. An 
example would be that the first part of an algorithm sorts elements of an 
array in ascending order, and a second part of the algorithm later 
encounters an element that is not larger than the previous one.

There is usually not very much you can do if you encounter such an 
exception since it indicates an error in deal.II, not in your own program. 
Try to come up with the smallest possible program that still demonstrates 
the error and contact the deal.II mailing lists with it to obtain help.

For some reason the refinement does not seem to know that the boundaries 
are periodic and that it should refine the cells on the other side of the 
domain. I tried changing the refinement step so that instead of just 
calling triangulation.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();, I created my 
own function that mimics the distributed triangulation (calling the 
distributed version of enforce_mesh_balance_over_periodic_boundaries) that 
does the following:

while( true ) {
    bool changed = 
    if( !changed ) { break; }

This fixed the error but I'm getting the strange behavior---it looks like 
the cell face fluxes are no longer being computed correctly

Does anyone have any idea about what the issue could be? I know I left out 
a lot of code, but hopefully I included the important bits.


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