
There is a tutorial in progress https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/11953 
that is based on step-15 but uses KINSOL 
KINSOL is a package dedicated to non-linear solve. It's probably worth 
using it in complicated cases like yours.



On Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 6:08:30 AM UTC-4 j.y.m...@rug.nl wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to solve a p-Laplace Dirichlet problem with zero boundary and 
> used step-15 as the base. The code works well for p=1.1-2.9 with Newton and 
> standard linesearch procedure. But when p>=3 the program diverges, 
> continuation method brought me to p=2.99 but not beyond. Recently I have 
> used the LineMinimization class and got this error after a few iterations:
> using poly_fit and these param:
> const double a1        = 1.0; 
> const double eta       = 0.9; 
> const double mu        = 1e-4;
> const double a_max     = 1.25; 
> const double max_evals = 100; 
> const bool debug_output = true;
>   --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <457> of file 
> </home/user/deal.ii-candi/deal.II-v9.1.1/include/deal.II/optimization/line_minimization.h>
> in function
>     NumberType dealii::LineMinimization::poly_fit(NumberType, NumberType, 
> NumberType, NumberType, NumberType, NumberType, const 
> dealii::FiniteSizeHistory<NumberType>&, const 
> dealii::FiniteSizeHistory<NumberType>&, const 
> dealii::FiniteSizeHistory<NumberType>&, std::pair<_FIter, _FIter>) [with 
> NumberType = double]
> The violated condition was: 
>     bounds.first < bounds.second
> Additional information: 
>     Incorrect bounds
> I have looked into the source code and understood these bounds are meant 
> for the sectioning and bracketing intervals. I tried different settings of 
> the param and still get this error. I am running out of ideas how to debug 
> this...
> Any help is highly appreciated.
> Thanks a lot and best wishes,
> Julie

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