On 5/26/21 10:20 PM, vachanpo...@gmail.com wrote:

I have a quantity which has a single value in a cell. Let me call this an "average". I want to be able to access the average of neighbouring cells from every cell.

What data structure can I use?

Since don't have mesh refinement, I was thinking of mapping this average to the cell index and using a parallel vector for storage. However, LA::MPI::Vector probably will not work because cell numbering is not continuous within a subdomain. Also, I couldn't find any function that can reorder the cells which may enable use of LA::MPI::Vector.

In the worst case, I can make a regular LA::MPI::Vector (using dofs) and set the average to all dofs in a cell. I hope there is an alternative.

You are looking for cell->global_active_cell_index(), which is documented like 

   * Return a globally unique cell index for the current cell,
   * assuming it is not artificial. The value is identical to
   * active_cell_index() if the cell is part of a serial
   * triangulation.
   * In the context of parallel triangulations, locally-owned cells
   * are enumerated contiguously within each subdomain of the
   * mesh. This ensures that the index returned by this function can
   * be used as the index into vectors with a total of
   * Triangulation::n_globally_active_cells() entries, and for which
   * every process stores a contiguous part.  If such a cell-data
   * vector has been set up with
   * parallel::TriangulationBase::global_active_cell_index_partitioner(),
   * the index returned by this function can then be used to access
   * the correct vector entry.
  global_active_cell_index() const;


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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