
The best way to profile a code is to use a profiler. It can give a lot more 
information than what simple timers can do. You say that your code is not 
parallelized but by default deal.II is multithreaded . Did you set 
DEAL_II_NUM_THREADS=1? That could explain why CPU and Wall time are 
different. Finally, if I understand correctly, you are calling the 
constructor of FEValues about 2.5 million times. That means that the call 
to one FEValues constructor is 100/2.5e6 seconds about 40 microseconds. 
That doesn't seem too slow.



On Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 7:51:55 AM UTC-4 Simon wrote:

> Dear all,
> I implemented two different versions to compute a stress for a given 
> strain and want to compare the associated computation times in release mode.
> version 1: stress = fun1(strain)      cpu time:  4.52  s      wall time:   
> 4.53 s
> version 2: stress = fun2(strain)     cpu time: 32.5    s      wall time: 
> 167.5 s 
> fun1 and fun2, respectively, are invoked for all quadrature points 
> (1,286,144 in the above example) defined on the triangulation. My program 
> is not parallelized.
> In fun2, I call  find_active_cell_around_point 
> <>
> twice for two different points on two different (helper) triangulations and 
> initialize two FEValues objects 
> with the points ' ref_point_vol' and 'ref_point_dev' 
> as returned by find_active_cell_around_point 
> <>
> .
> FEValues<1> fe_vol(dof_handler_vol.get_fe(), 
>                                         Quadrature<1>(ref_point_vol),
>                                         update_gradients | update_values); 
> FEValues<1> fe_values_energy_dev(this->dof_handler_dev.get_fe(), 
>                                         Quadrature<1>(ref_point_dev),
>                                         update_gradients | update_values); 
> I figured out that the initialization of the two FEValues objects is the 
> biggest portion of the above mentioned times.  In particular, if I comment 
> the initialization out, I have 
> cpu time: 6.54 s     wall time: 6.55 s .
> The triangulations associated with dof_handler_vol and dof_handler_dev are 
> both 1d and store only 4 and 16 elements, respectively. That said, I am 
> wondering why the initialization takes so long (roughly 100 seconds wall 
> time in total) and why this causes a gap between the cpu and wall time.
> Unfortunately, I have to reinitialize them anew whenever fun2 is called, 
> because  the point 'ref_point_vol' (see Quadrature<1>(ref_point_vol)) is 
> different in each call to fun2. 
> Best
> Simon

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