
I am trying to solve a few coupled hyperbolic equations using discontinuous 
galerkin finite elements.

In one of my test cases there are oscillations forming. I tracked it down 
to the gradients of variables that are set to 1 everywhere by:


Obviously changing the final vector for different variables. 

Later, when the gradient of these terms are used the gradient calculated by 
deal.ii is not 0. I do get very small values on the order of 10^(-14) and 
when I account for the inverse jacobian factor the unit_gradient returns 
values ranging between +/- .9x10^(-15) & +/- 2x10^(-15).

These seem very small but due to their values being periodic they quickly 
grow and destroy stability of my simulation. Are there any known fixes for 

I haven't noticed any oscillations in the values of the variables from 
using VectorTools::interpolate for setting initial conditions that would 
obviously lead to oscillations in the gradient.

Attached is an image on paraview of another variable that depends on one of 
these oscillating gradients. It has been scaled up by a factor of ~10^(11)

Thanks for your time and any help you can provide,

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