Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message-----
From: Abolish - The Mailing List For People Working to Abolish the Death
Penalty [] On Behalf Of Boyle, Francis
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 1:46 PM
Subject: News: Harvard's NeoNazi Law School

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Francis
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 1:45 PM
To: 'AALS Section on Minority Grps. mailing list' ('AALS Section on Minority
Grps. mailing list')
Subject: Harvard's NeoNazi Law School

"In an interview, Vagts said the Fourth Geneva Convention was written with
Nazi deportation practices in mind and was meant to prevent the kind of
transfers that Goldsmith's memo authorized."  Versus "Goldsmith, author of
noted books and articles on international law, has moved into his office at
Harvard and is scheduled to begin teaching in January. Kagan said Tuesday
that ''I'm as proud of this appointment as I could be."

Goldsmith's ''work was lauded by a great many people, and we determined that
he was an absolutely superb teacher and scholar," she said. ''He puts issues
on the table that everyone focuses on and debates, and he's done that in a
very short career. He's a very agenda-setting scholar, and that's exactly
the kind of exciting scholarship that we want to have here."

HLS Dean Kagan also stated that the future of International Legal Studies at
Harvard Law School  would be in "good hands" with her war criminal
Goldsmith. The Nazis had their law professors and deans too.

The Harvard Law School Faculty and Dean are not fit to educate students.


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 11:08 AM
Subject: Harvard hire's detainee memo stirs debate


The following appeared on
Headline: Harvard hire's detainee memo stirs debate
Date:     December 9, 2004

"A new Harvard Law School professor who wrote a controversial memo for the
Bush administration on the handling of prisoners in Iraq has triggered angry
debate among his colleagues, some of whom charge that the school faculty did
not check his record thoroughly enough before hiring him last spring."

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                     THE ABOLISH LIST
This list serves solely as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information
by people who support alternatives to the death penalty and the immediate
abolition of Capital Punishment.

Abolist List FAQ:

From  Thu Dec  9 16:50:20 2004
From: (Rick Halperin)
Date: Tue Aug 16 12:15:03 2005
Subject: [Deathpenalty]death penalty news----TEXAS, ARK., OKLA. 
Message-ID: <>

Dec. 9


'Nation must confront moral implications of the death penalty'

Gov. Rick Perry made the appropriate decision to stay the execution of
Frances Newton on Dec 1. From Nov. 30-Dec. 3 there were 4 consecutive
executions scheduled in four different states. Each inmate was granted a
stay. December 2004 may go down in history as the 1st month with no U.S.
executions since July 1994.

We who live in Texas, which I call death penalty ground zero, must
struggle with this issue and all the implications bound up in the question
of taking a life. The challenge of a noble nation is to cultivate a
spiritual and moral maturity that calls on the best our nation has to

This would include the response of Mamie Till Mobley to her sons brutal
lynching in 1955 Mississippi. Emmett Till committed the worst crime
imaginable for a black man in the south. He looked the wrong way at white
woman. At Emmetts funeral in Chicago, she proclaimed to the world that she
did not have a minute to waste on hate, but would pursue justice for the
rest of her life. That attempt to keep track of the humanity of those who
would maim, butcher, murder, degrade and dehumanize you, is fullest
embodiment of Christ a person is capable of achieving. Mamie Mobley went
on in her life to condemn the death penalty, which she characterized as a
"legal lynching." If there was anyone who knew about that, it was Emmett
Tills mother.

T J Geiger II

(source: Letter to the Editor, Beaumont Enterprise)


Court Leaves Newman Stay of Execution in Place

In Little Rock, the state Supreme Court Thursday denied condemned killer
Rickey Dale Newman's personal plea to dissolve a stay of execution.

Without comment, the high court left in place the stay it issued 4 days
before he was to be put to death September 28th.

In conflicting motions last month, Newman asked to be put to death and
insisted he wanted to prove he is innocent of murder. The high court has
not set a hearing date in the case.

The 47-year-old Newman was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to
death in the February 2001 stabbing death of Marie Cholette. The victim
was a homeless woman whose body was found under a makeshift tent at a
place where transients were camped in a wooded area of Crawford County.

(source: Associated Press)


Man Formally Sentenced To Die For Daughter's Killing

In Claremore, a man convicted of killing his 9-month-old daughter 2 years
ago, will pay the ultimate price for her death.

40-year-old Benjamin Robert Cole was formally sentenced yesterday to death
for the 1st-degree murder of Brianna Cole.

Jurors took only 10 minutes to convict Cole in October. It took them less
time to sentence him to death.

Brianna died after she was abused by her father on December 20, 2002.
Prosecutors said Cole was playing video games when Brianna's crying
interrupted his game.

Cole paused the game and went into the girl's room, where he grabbed her
by the feet and pulled them toward her head, fracturing her spine. The
injury caused a tear in her aorta and she bled to death.

Cole had previously been convicted of child abuse in California.

A preliminary execution date of February 21st has been set, but will
likely be extended because of appeals.

(source: KTUL News)

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