death penalty news

May 18, 2005

MISSOURI --- execution:

Twice Convicted Killer Executed in Mo.

A twice-convicted murderer who strangled a 9-year-old girl in St. Louis in 
1986 was executed early Wednesday after a split vote by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Vernon Brown, 51, was pronounced dead at 2:25 a.m. at the Eastern Reception 
Diagnostic and Correctional Center, nearly 2 1/2 hours after his execution 
was scheduled.

The execution was delayed when U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas 
issued a temporary stay shortly after midnight. But on a 5-4 vote, the 
court later lifted that stay and denied the stay.

Lawyers for Brown had argued that the drugs used in lethal injection could 
cause him excessive pain. They also said he was sexually and physically 
abused as a child, suffered a head injury and was on the drug PCP at the 
time of the murder.

But Dianne Perkins, the aunt of murdered fourth grader Janet Perkins, said 
the killer had the benefit of almost two decades of life denied to her 
niece. "He lived for years, but she only saw nine," Perkins said.

Perkins and other family members did not attend Brown's execution.

Brown has been convicted of first-degree murder twice, both times receiving 
the death penalty, though Wednesday's execution was for the killing of the 
child. In the other case, Brown stabbed 19-year-old Synetta Ford and 
strangled her with a curling iron cord in 1985.

On Oct. 24, 1986, Janet was walking home from school when Brown enticed the 
child into his home. He locked his stepsons in their bedroom and took the 
girl to the basement. There, he bound her feet and a hand with a wire coat 
hanger and strangled her with a rope. Her body was found wrapped in trash 
bags in an alley behind Brown's house the next day.

Perkins said Janet was fond of animals and jumping rope with her friends. 
"She would have been 28. He took her away from her family and friends. She 
never had a chance to really experience life," she said.

Brown becomes the 3rd condemned inmate to be put to death in Connecticut in 
this year, and the 64th overall since the state resumed capital punishment 
in 1989.

Brown becomes the 23rd condemned inmate to be put to death this year in the 
USA and the 967th overall since America resumed executions on January 17, 1977.

(source: AP / Washington Post & Joerg Sommer)

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