NCADP: National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Timothy Johnston
August 31, 2005

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The state of Missouri is scheduled to execute 44-year-old Timothy Johnston,
a white man, on Aug. 31, 2005 for the June 30, 1989 murder of his wife Nancy.

Johnston claims law enforcement officials violated his Fourth Amendment
right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures when they recovered
evidence without benefit of a warrant. Johnston asserts police used this
"illegally seized" evidence to obtain Johnston's subsequent confession and
that the trial court erred in refusing to suppress both the evidence and the
confession. The appeals court ruled that the evidence that convicted him was
legally obtained and that the evidence illegally obtained was only

Johnston alleges that there was prosecutorial misconduct at trial. Johnston
assigned error to references the prosecutor made in closing argument to
Satan. The state said, referring to Johnston, "Ladies and gentlemen . there
sits Satan. There sits embodiment of evil." Even though the objections were
upheld and the jury was to disregard the statement there is a high
likelihood that the jurors would not be able to forget this statement.
The trial court refused to uphold the objection when the prosecutor said
"domestic violence is ten times more violent on the average than when
violence happens on the streets." If this statistic was true, it was not
a fact in evidence.

Johnston also claimed that his defense counsel failed to investigate and
present mental health evidence of a psychiatrist's apparent finding that
Johnston could not deliberate because of head injuries, alcohol
dependence and either organic or personality disorder. Johnston claimed
his trial counsel was ineffective in failing
to obtain and present to certain experts' "objective evidence" of his
alleged brain damage. He argues he should have received an MRI test to
determine the existence of any brain abnormalities. The appeals court
ruled that the tests given were adequate and that it was not ineffective
assistance of counsel by not giving him an MRI.

His final claim is that lethal injection is a violation of his Eighth
Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment. He contends that
state's chemical mixture of sodium pentothal pancuronium bromide and
potassium chloride will cause him to "consciously suffer an excruciating,
painful and protracted death." He also argues that inadequately trained
personnel with inappropriate equipment will administer the dose.

Johnston is a man with a possible mental illness, his trial was
surrounded by prosecutorial misconduct. It would be cruel and unusual to
put this man to death.

Please contact Gov. Blunt and the Missouri Board of Pardons and Paroles
and ask them to spare the life of Timothy Johnston.

(source: NCADP)

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