Feb. 14


*February 14, 2006* -- 11:30 a.m. Lunch time Rally

"Rally for Change in 2006!" -- Anti-Death Penalty Rally!

STATE CAPITOL---NORTH (not South!) --- Steps of the State Capitol

Speakers, Music, presentation of legislation by Sen. Johnson and Rep.
Toure followed by group lobbying of committee members for those who are
able to stay for a short while after the rally

The Important Legislation:

HB 2738, Rep. Opio Toure, will create a Task Force of 13 members to
determine whether any of the 158 people executed by Oklahoma were innocent
As of November 15, 2005, there have been 122 exonerations in 25 different

 7 people have been exonerated in Oklahoma

 From 1990 - 2003, nationwide there has been a yearly average of 7.60

 There were 6 exonerations nationwide in 2005.

HB 2739, Rep. Opio Toure, will abolish the death penalty by amending
sections of Oklahoma Statute 2001 to delete the words "with death" as
punishment for crimes.

 Oct. 2005 Gallup Poll found that overall support of the death penalty was
64% (down from 80% in 1994)

 Another Gallup Poll (May 2004) revealed that when respondents are given
the choice of life without parole as an alternate sentencing option,
support for the death penalty is at 50%.

 The California death penalty system costs taxpayers $114 million per year
beyond the costs of keeping convicts locked up for life (L.A. Times, March
6, 2005).


SB 2009, by Senator Constance Johnson, will create a Task Force to
determine whether current administration of the death penalty meets
standards of Supreme Court decisions and is not arbitrary, capricious or
disproportionately impacts racial minorities.

(source: JB-ACLU)

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