March 8

NORTH CAROLINA----impending execution

1 murder, 2 murderers, 1 execution----Scheduled to die March 17

Like so many death row inmates, Patrick Moody has lots of horror stories
from his youth. Moody's 11 years on Central Prison's death row sound like
a step up from the years he spent in his own home at the hands of abusive

Moody, who was sentenced to die for the 1994 murder of Donnie Robbins, is
scheduled to be executed by injection on Friday, March 17, at 2 a.m.

"I was abused as a child," Moody said during a Feb. 28 prison interview.
"My dad hated kids. My mom hated kids. My parents got divorced when I was
4 years old. My stepmother didn't care nothing about me. All she cared
about was her kids. They got everything; I got nothing. I had to eat in a
separate room than her kids ate.

"They got steak; I got soup. Her kids were allowed having friends; I
wasn't. Her kids got allowance; I didn't. Her kids didn't have to do no
chores; I did everything. I was a slave in my own home.

"If I had to cut that grass it took me about 45 minutes to cut the front
grass and an hour and a half to cut the back grass, and if I was
one-second late I got an ass whooping like you wouldn't believe.

"I got beat with boards, wrenches, tools, belts, two-by-fours. I got shot.
I got hit by the truck. No, it wasn't too friendly in our home. They had
parties; I was locked in a room. They'd go on vacation; I would have to
stay with a family member because I wasn't allowed to go."

Moody, 39, said his father had a short fuse. "Little things would tick him
off," he said.

On Tuesday, Moody's lawyers, Charlotte Blake and Don Willey, told Moody's
story to Gov. Mike Easley in hopes the former N.C. attorney general will
commute Moody's sentence to life in prison without parole.

Moody stopped his murder trial to plead guilty to the Sept. 16, 1994,
murder of Robbins in Thomasville. Moody was having an affair with Robbins'
wife, Wanda, who persuaded Moody to shoot her husband after claiming that
Donnie Robbins was abusing her. Blake, Moody's attorney, said Wanda
Robbins even painted fake bruises on her body and tore her clothes to
convince Moody she was being abused.

With an IQ that was tested from the 60s to 81 at his trial, Moody was
easily taken in by Wanda Robbins, and Moody's story is "true and
compelling," Blake says. Wanda Robbins was the "mastermind" of the crime
who was able to enter a guilty plea and receive a life sentence, she says,
and before recruiting Moody, Robbins had tried to get others to kill her

"She devised all sorts of schemes to kill her husband," Blake says. "It
was going to happen, and she found an unwitting person--she found Patrick,
and because of his particular upbringing and his limited skills, she was
able to convince him to do it. So we do have very disparate punishment as
far as relative culpability.

"This isn't a situation where you had a jury hear both cases and give her
life and give him death. She was able to enter a plea for a life

Blake says Moody spent 6 months in Central Prison before being visited by
his lawyer. A 2nd lawyer didn't meet with Moody until less than a month
before trial.

Moody's lawyers failed to adequately explain the critical importance of
preparing mitigation evidence for the sentencing phase of the case, Blake
says. Moody asked his trial lawyers to keep his family out of it, a
request the lawyers should have disregarded in the effort to save their
client's life.

"Mitigation evidence is extraordinarily important," Blake said. "You have
to pursue that. There are ABA [American Bar Association] standards on what
lawyers do in capital trials that require you to pursue potential
mitigating evidence regardless of the client's wishes, especially when you
haven't explained it to them."

Says Moody: "My lawyers really didn't do nothing for me. They didn't do
nothing for me. Because I wrote 'em letters and I wrote 'em letters and
wrote 'em letters."

The effects of the childhood abuse is not lost on Moody.

"People say you're just like your parents," Moody says. "That's why I
never settled down. That's why I never got a wife. That's why I never had
kids, because I didn't want to be like my daddy. So I stayed a loner all
my life."

During his 11 years on death row, Moody has made friends. He passes his
time playing "Dungeons and Dragons," watching TV and reading the Bible. He
has also taken up drawing and painting. Moody and some other guys on the
row use some of their time to produce original birthday and Christmas

"We kick out about maybe 300 or 400 birthday cards, Christmas cards a
year," he says. "You give me a pencil or pen and a piece of paper and I'm
good to go. It passes time."

Moody admits to having some bad days since he received notice in January
of his execution date.

"Sometimes you get depressed. Sometimes you don't," he says.

He doesn't like the questions he gets from other guys on the row, such as
asking him what he plans to request for his last meal. Moody says he tells
them, "I'm trying not to think about it."

Moody says he is sorry for his crime. "I felt real bad for what I did. I
wished it never happened, but it did, and I can't stop that; can't change

Moody said he doesn't see how his execution will makes things right.

"I killed somebody," Moody says. "I admitted to killing somebody. They
say, 'What you did was wrong, and we're going to kill you for killing
somebody.' Where's 2 wrongs make a right at? It's wrong to kill, but we're
going to kill you for killing somebody else. Well, if it's so wrong to
kill, what the hell you doing killing me?"

Moody was friends with Alan Gell, who was released from death row after
new evidence led to his acquittal at a 2nd trial.

"I know a few other guys that I hang out with, they're actually innocent
of their charges," Moody said. "Hopefully in the future they will get

If he could meet the governor face-to-face, Moody would say: "I'm sorry. I
messed up. We're all human. We all make mistakes. Two wrongs don't make a

If his life is spared, Moody also dreams of helping other kids avoid

"I have a plan if I ever do get out," he says. "I want to go to schools,
different schools, and tell these kids the life I went through. And out of
say 200 kids, if I change one kid's life, one kid's mind, then I know I
did something good. If I can help just one, then this world would be a
little bit better place."

Moody said he would tell the kids that "crime don't pay," and you reap
what you sow.

"I've been down that road," he says. "I know what it's like. I know how
close it is to come to death. I know how close it's come to being killed

Blake said she is also going to challenge the state's method of execution.
Death row inmates in others states have claimed lethal injection
constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

Center for Death Penalty Litigation executive director Ken Rose thinks
Moody's lawyers might prevail on this argument. "I think it could go
either way," Rose said.

(source: The Independent Weekly)


Nevada prison officials urged to ban non-Indians from ceremonies

American Indian spiritual advisers say prison officials should bar whites
from participating in Indian religious ceremonies conducted in a sweat
lodge at Nevada State Prison.

The spiritual advisers commented at a hearing Tuesday following a
background check by the Department of Corrections that shows many
participants in sweat lodge ceremonies for inmates segregated from the
general prison population are Caucasian.

Dorothy Nash Holmes, deputy director of the Department of Corrections,
said officials checked with Indian tribes in response to complaints and
found 8 of 9 participants in the sweat lodge are white or Hispanic.

That includes the sweat lodge's spiritual leader, August Ardagna, and its
pipe holder, Lionel Hernandez. Information on the ethnicity of 9 other
participants in the sweat lodge has not yet been completed.

"We took them at their word at what they were when they first came into
prison," Holmes said.

The inmates in the sweat lodge are sex offenders, violent offenders and
others who have been segregated from the general prison population.

"They are just playing with our ceremonies," said Buck Sampson, spiritual
leader for the Reno-Sparks Indian colony." What they are doing makes me

"Spirituality is a serious business. It is not a game," said Lee Polanco,
a spiritual leader from Winters, Calif.

Throughout the hearing, called by the Nevada Indian Commission, the
spiritual leaders emphasized they are sensitive to people who may not be
full-blooded Indians, but want to follow the Indian ways.

Under federal law and Supreme Court decisions, Native Americans are
permitted to practice their religion in prison.

Nevada Department of Correction regulations allow the use of sweat lodges
and ceremonies in which sage, cedar and herbs are burned. Indians also may
possess eagle feathers and herb bags.

(source: Associated Press)


U.S. bishops urge addl death penalty hearing

The U.S. bishops reiterated its opposition to death penalty as contrary to
the culture of life" and called on the Congress to hold additional

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops Domestic Policy Committee, wrote to Sen. Sam Brownback, chairman
of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Property
Rights, expressing gratitude for the recent hearing on the death penalty,
called "An Examination of the Death Penalty in the United States."

"If use of the death penalty is contrary to promoting a culture of life,
we need to have a national dialogue and hear both sides of the issue,"
Brownback said at the hearings. "All life is sacred and our use of the
death penalty in the American justice system must recognize this truth."

"The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops agrees with you in this important
standard," Bishop DiMarzio wrote. "As you know, the bishops of the United
States oppose the use of the death penalty precisely because we believe
that all life is sacred and because we believe that the use of state
sanctioned executions is contrary to the culture of life that our late
Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, called us all to bring about."

"As Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and
Property Rights, you have begun an important dialogue on the sanctity of
human life and the integrity of our criminal justice system that must
continue, especially in light of the signs that many are reconsidering
these issues," Bishop DiMarzio wrote. "Our bishops' conference fully
believes that those who commit terrible violent crimes must be
incarcerated, both as just punishment and to protect society," the bishop
said. "We stand in solidarity with victims and their loved ones. However,
when it comes to matters of life and death, morality and common sense call
for careful safeguards in applying an irreversible punishment and a full
public debate on whether or not we should continue to use the death
penalty in our country."

Bishop DiMarzio enclosed with the letter a copy of "A Culture of Life and
the Penalty of Death," a statement which the U.S. Catholic bishops adopted
overwhelmingly last November.

(source: Catholic Online)


Senate committee approves death penalty moratorium

For the second year in a row, a state Senate committee has voted to place
a moratorium on executions in Alabama.

On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 5-3 for a bill by Sen.
Hank Sanders, D-Selma, that would institute a 3-year moratorium while
procedures are implemented "to eliminate discrimination in capital
sentencing on the basis of race of either the victim or defendant."

Sanders' bill now goes to the Senate.

Sanders got the Judiciary Committee to approve a similar bill last year,
but it died without ever coming to a vote in the Senate. Sanders says
interest is growing in the issue this year, and one reason is that the
state's largest newspaper, The Birmingham News, took a stand against
capital punishment.

The Judiciary Committee also voted 8-1 for a bill by Sanders that would
bring Alabama's death penalty law in line with a U.S. Supreme Court
decision that barred the execution of anyone who was younger than 18 when
they committed their crime.

Committee Chairman Rodger Smitherman, D-Birmingham, voted for both bills,
but said the second bill has a better chance of winning approval in the

The House Judiciary Committee held a public hearing Wednesday on death
penalty moratorium legislation, but did not take a vote on it.

(source: Associated Press)

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