Dec. 1


Report----The Mumia Abu-Jamal Case After 25 Years; Still More Keystone
Kops Antics

Whether the fundamental errors riddling recent actions by opponents of
Pennsylvania death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal constitute mere mistakes
or malicious misrepresentations, these errors resemble sequels to the
Keystone Kops silent film-era comedy series.

These error filled antics occur as Abu-Jamal approaches the 25th
Anniversary of his December 9, 1981 arrest for fatally shooting a
Philadelphia policeman and as a pivotal legal action moves forward in
federal appeals court revolving around whether Abu-Jamal received a fair
trial in 1982.

The latest faux pas by Abu-Jamal opponents regards errors in an October
letter sent to officials in Paris requesting that they rescind the
honorary citizenship granted 3 years ago to the death row inmate viewed
globally as a victim of injustice in America.

This letter states that a delegation of Philadelphia City officials,
including the Police Commissioner, planned a late-November trip to Paris
to negotiate rescinding the honorary citizenship in exchange for these
officials getting Abu-Jamal's death sentence cancelled.

However, the 4 Philadelphia officials listed as delegation members all
deny knowing anything about either the trip or the deal.

Further, these officials have no power to cancel Abu-Jamal's death

Peter J. Wirs, the Philadelphia figure behind the delegation/deal, says he
is surprised by the errors in that letter prepared on his behalf by a
lawyer in Paris.

"I haven't done anything yet to formalize the delegation or the planned
trip. We haven't raised any money," Wirs said recently, adding that he
"hasn't seen" the letter sent on his behalf.

Wirs also distanced himself from the deal proposed in that letter.

"An offer to pull the death penalty is so ridiculous. We have no authority
to take the death penalty off the table," said Wirs, a minor figure in
Philadelphia's Republican Party, a party that represents only 16 % of the
city's registered voters.

Wirs dismissed errors in that letter as minor mistakes probably resulting
from "translations from English to Frenchtoo many chefs' hands in this

That October letter also contains the erroneous claim that Abu-Jamal shot
Officer Daniel Faulkner five times in the face, a claim contradicted by
police, prosecutors and judicial findings throughout the quarter-century
tenure of this case.

That October letter prompted a written response to Parisian officials from
Abu-Jamal attorney, Robert R. Bryan.

Bryan wrote that the letter is "appalling since it contains material
misrepresentations and errors."

Ironically, errors by police, prosecutors, jurists and other authorities
during the arrest, conviction and state court appeals of Abu-Jamal fuel
the worldwide belief that Abu-Jamal did not receive a fair trial and is
thus unjustly convicted.

These errors include police failing to give Abu-Jamal the standard hand
test after his arrest to determine if he actually fired a gun, prosecutors
failing to provide Abu-Jamal's trial attorney with compelling evidence
indicating his innocence and the notoriously pro-prosecution trial judge
making racist remarks.

"Only in America could a trial judge say"I'll help them fry the Nigger,"
and be considered fair," Abu-Jamal stated in a letter to Parisian

"The trial featured lies, just as the threatening letter to you did,"
Abu-Jamal's letter stated. "If the trial was truly fair, why would the
Philadelphia letter propose a deal?"

Prior to that error-filled October letter, Philadelphia area legislative
leaders mounted equally error-filled actions against the Paris suburb of
St. Denis for naming a street in honor of Abu-Jamal.

The anti-St. Denis Resolution approved by Philadelphia's City Council at
the end of May, for example, contains the erroneous declaration that
"Mumia Abu-Jamal has exhausted all legal appeals"

Since the federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals, headquartered in
Philadelphia, approved Abu-Jamal's request for an appeal in late 2005, it
is factually incorrect to contend that Abu-Jamal "has exhausted" all of
his appeals.

Not only did the 3rd Circuit agree to hear the appeal claim of that
prosecutors used racial discrimination while selecting the jury for
Abu-Jamal's 1982 trial, the Circuit Court also took an unusual step in
granting appeal on other items like allegations of judicial bias during a
1995 appeals hearing for Abu-Jamal.

The intensity of the bias exhibited by Judge Albert Sabo during that 1995
hearing offended even Philly's normally anti-Mumia mainstream news media
to the point of their publishing editorials condemning Sabo for both
making a mockery of justice and providing Abu-Jamal supporters with
additional ammunition to back their claims of gross injustice.

Interestingly, Peter Wirs does not dispute that Sabo made the racist
pre-trial remark and Wirs readily admits that police did not follow proper
forensic standards while investigating the murder.

Yet, Wirs contends Abu-Jamal is guilty as charged, despite seeming
violations of his constitutional rights.

"When you look at Sabo's statements and his rulings in the trial, they are
not perfect but they are fair," Wirs claims. "The errors and problems with
the criminal justice system in this case do not mitigate against the fact
that Abu-Jamal's gun was found at the scene. That is the heart of this

The fact that police could not conclusively match bullet fragments removed
from the slain officer to Abu-Jamal's gun is immaterial according to Wirs.

"This is a circumstantial evidence case," said Wirs, acknowledging that he
is working with Philadelphia's police union, the Fraternal Order of Police
(FOP), the prime group pushing for Abu-Jamal's execution.

That Philadelphia City Council Resolution supported a congressional
Resolution introduced in mid-May by two Philly area Congresspersons,
Republican Michael Fitzpatrick and Democrat Allyson Schwartz.

This congressional Resolution contains fundamental errors.

The Fitzpatrick/Schwartz Resolution, in recounting facts of the case,
makes the erroneous claim that "Mumia Abu-Jamal struck Officer Faulkner 4
times in the back with his gun."

This claim contradicts the scenario presented at trial by the prosecutor
and this claim contradicts the version of events on the official Justice
for Daniel Faulkner Web site. This site, according to its founders, exists
to provide "an accurate source of information."

Pa Republican U.S. Senator Rich Santorum also introduced an anti-St. Denis
resolution in the Senate mimicking the congressional resolution.

"No one ever claimed Mumia struck Faulkner's back 4 times. While this may
evoke the image of a heroic officer striking back against all odds, it is
sheer fantasy," noted Dr. Michael Schiffmann, the German author of a new
book on the Abu-Jamal case, "Race Against Death. Mumia Abu-Jamal: a Black
Revolutionary in White America."

According to Schiffmann, "One might say such "details" are unimportant,
but if they are so unimportant, why bring them up?"

Answering his rhetorical question, Schiffmann says this erroneous
information makes "something these law and order representatives know
nothing about seem more real."

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, states Keystone Kops is a term used to
criticize any group for its mistakes, particularly if the mistakes happen
after a great deal of energy and activity, or if there is a lack of
coordination among members of the group.

Dr. Schiffmann's book presents new, startling information on this
controversial case.

Schiffmann provides information blowing big holes in the ballistics
evidence presented by prosecutors and police.

Further, Schiffmann's book presents previously unpublished pictures taken
by a press photographer who arrived at the 1981 crime scene before police
photographers that show police personnel tampering with evidence and
manipulating the crime scene.

Peter Wirs recently filed a lawsuit in France, asserting that officials'
in Paris and its St. Denis suburb violated French criminal law by
respectively issuing the citizenship to a convicted murderer and placing
his name on a street.

St. Denis officials did not complain in 2001 when local and state
officials renamed most of Philadelphia's Roosevelt Blvd. "Daniel Faulkner
Memorial Highway."

The intense reaction in Philadelphia to the street naming in far off St.
Denis stuns former St. Denis Mayor, Patrick Braouezec, who sees the
reaction as surreal.

"By doing this, we are just contributing to the possibility of Mumia
having a new and fair trial and put the issue of the death penalty on the
table," Braouezec said during an interview while visiting Philadelphia in
September where the city's mayor refused to meet with Braouezec about the
street naming.

"There was no intention on our part to provoke or offend the memory of the
slain officer or his family," said Braouezec, currently a member of the
French National Assembly, the Congress of France.,P> Patrick Braouezec
finds it difficult "to conceive that with the problems in the American
criminal justice system and issues in the Abu-Jamal case that the level of
resistance to this man receiving a fair trial is so intense."

The intense resistance, Braouezec said, "is political. There have been
lesser cases with lesser doubts that received new trials."

Few  either opposed to or supportive of Abu-Jamal  remember the c

ase of Neil Ferber; a Philadelphia man arrested 6 months before
Abu-Jamal's December 1981 arrest. Philadelphia police and prosecutors
framed Ferber for a mob related murder, sending him to death row for
1,375-days before his release.

A court ruling in lawsuit Ferber filed over his false imprisonment
declared that "this case presents a Kafkaesque nightmare of the sort which
we normally would characterize as being representative of the so-called
justice system of a totalitarian stateunfortunatelyit happened here in

This ruling noted that a "variety of Philadelphia police" engaged in a
litany of misconduct "for the singular purpose of obtaining Ferber's
arrest and subsequent conviction on first degree murder charges.

Evidence also showed that the jail-house snitch whose testimony sealed
Ferber's conviction had flunked a lie-detector test ordered by prosecutors
but prosecutors withheld this information from Ferber's trial attorney.

Philadelphia officials bitterly opposed Ferber's lawsuit for compensation.

Ferber eventually received a million dollar-plus settlement for his false
incarceration, however, authorities penalized no police officer or
prosecutor involved in the framing of Ferber.

Didier Paillard, St. Denis' current mayor, declared during the street
naming ceremony this spring that the Abu-Jamal case is not just a "symbol"
in the struggle for justice.

Paillard said Abu-Jamal's struggle symbolizes "resistance against a system
which has the arrogance to reign over the world in the name of those same
human rights that it tramples with complete impunity on its own soil."

Linn Washington Jr. is a Philadelphia journalist who has reported on the
Abu-Jamal case since December 1981. Washington is a columnist for The
Philadelphia Tribune newspaper.

(source: CounterPunch)


Police union battles candidate over stance on Mumia Abu-Jamal

The city's police union said it will actively work against a Democratic
mayoral hopeful who supports giving a new trial to death-row inmate Mumia

Fraternal Order of Police President Bobby Eddis posted a letter on the
organization's Web site telling its 14,600 members not to support the
candidacy of U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah.

"We will not endorse this gentleman under any circumstances," Eddis told
the Philadelphia Daily News. "I would go as far as to say we will work
against his campaign. ... I will write a letter to every union president
in the city explaining the significance of this."

Through a spokesman, Fattah acknowledged his controversial stance on
Abu-Jamal, who was convicted in the 1981 shooting death of Philadelphia
police officer Daniel Faulkner.

"I swore an oath to uphold constitutional rights and it's my duty to do
that even when it's unpopular," Fattah said. "I fully respect and
understand the position of the FOP. As a congressman or as a future mayor,
I will continue to work hand-in-hand with the FOP."

Abu-Jamal was sentenced to death in 1982 but has gained international fame
and support during his time in prison. In 2001, a judge overturned the
death sentence but not the conviction. Both sides are appealing.

Eddis said the union was also upset that Fattah did not support a House
resolution earlier this year condemning the French town of Saint-Denis for
naming a street after Abu-Jamal.

Eddis said Fattah told him he wouldn't back the legislation because it was
introduced by a Republican - Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, who represents
suburban Philadelphia.

(source: Associated Press)


Death row appeal denied to inmate from South Bay ---- CONDEMNED MAN'S LAST

Condemned killer David Allen Raley, closer to execution than any death row
inmate from Santa Clara County, is down to his last legal gasp.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday rejected Raley's bid to
get his case reheard before a special panel of 15 judges, leaving the U.S.
Supreme Court as his only remaining chance for a reprieve in the legal
system. If Raley loses in the Supreme Court, which seldom intervenes in
capital cases, his lone possibility of avoiding execution would be
clemency from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Raley was sentenced to death in 1988 for the kidnap and murder of a
Peninsula high school student and the attempted murder of her friend at a
deserted Hillsborough mansion. A unanimous 3-judge 9th Circuit panel
upheld the death sentence earlier this year. In Thursday's order, the same
panel indicated that a majority of the court's 26 full-time judges voted
against rehearing Raley's appeals. The votes are secret.

Raley, 45, could face an execution date sometime next year, depending on
the progress of an ongoing legal challenge to California's
lethal-injection procedure. The challenge has put a temporary halt to

Raley is one of several of the state's more than 650 death row inmates who
have exhausted their appeals in the 9th Circuit, ordinarily the last, best
hope of staving off execution.

Oakland attorney Robert Bacon, Raley's lawyer, said he would pursue the
next round of appeals to the Supreme Court. Raley's latest appeals have
rested largely on the argument that the jury was not presented adequate
evidence of his troubled background because of an incompetent trial

"We'll make our best effort there, obviously,'' Bacon said. "None of this
changes the fact that David Raley was sentenced to death by a jury that
didn't know who he was.''

Raley has been on death row for 18 years, since a San Jose jury
recommended the death penalty for kidnapping and repeatedly stabbing 2
teenage Peninsula girls at the Carolands mansion, where he worked as a
security guard. Raley turned a 1985 tour of the mansion into a day of
terror for the girls, Janine Grinsell and Laurie McKenna.

Grinsell died from her wounds, but McKenna, now Laurie Vanlandingham,
survived. The Mercury News in September profiled Vanlandingham's journey
from the South San Jose ravine where Raley left her to die to her current
life with her husband and family in Georgia.

Vanlandingham could not be reached for comment Thursday. During an
interview last summer, she said Raley deserves to die for his crimes and
has had ample opportunity to pursue his case in the courts. But she also
stressed that she has no intention of attending his execution and doesn't
dwell on Raley getting the death penalty.

"I don't have that kind of anger,'' she said at the time. "It's part of
moving forward. I feel like I've had justice. I've lived my life, he's out
of my hair.''

(source: Mercury News)

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