28 September 2006
UA 258/06         Fear of imminent execution

BANGLADESH        Abdur Rahman (m)
                  Siddiqul Islam Bangla Bhai (m)
                  Ataur Rahman Sunny (m)
                  Abdul Awal (m)
                  Khaled Saifullah (m)
                  Iftekhar Mamun (m)

The six men named above, who are members of the Islamist
group Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), are facing
imminent execution, convicted of involvement in a November
2005 suicide bomb attack which killed two judges in the
southern city of Jhalakathi.

They were sentenced to death on 29 May 2006. Their appeal
was rejected by the High Court on 31 August. The prisoners
have 30 days to appeal to the Supreme Court against the High
Court ruling, but so far only one of them, Iftekhar Mamun,
is reported to have done so.

The attack followed a series of bomb blasts on 17 August
2005, aimed at government offices and court buildings in
almost every major city in the country. The prisoners have
reportedly admitted that JMB was involved in these attacks.

Usually, it is four to five years before a condemned
prisoner is executed, but in this case the government
appears keen to hasten the executions. The Law Minister has
told journalists that the government wishes to carry out the
death sentences before it hands over power to a caretaker
government, due to take power on 28 October and retain it
until elections in 2007.

The government claims that the reason for this haste is to
show to the world that they are serious about dealing with
terrorism. However, civil society groups say the
government's real motive might be to suppress evidence that
in the past they gave support for the activities of these
groups. The prisoners have reportedly said they have
information about a government link with their group, and
are keen to speak to journalists about it. So far, the
authorities have prevented them having any contact with
journalists, heightening the suspicion that they want to
prevent the men from revealing any government connection to
the JMB or similar groups.

Another man was sentenced to death in absentia and has so
far evaded arrest.

Prisoners sentenced to death in Bangladesh have an automatic
appeal hearing before the High Court. They can also lodge
additional appeals with the High Court. They can then appeal
to the Supreme Court, and after that they have the right to
appeal to the President for mercy. Executions are carried
out after all these appeals have been exhausted.

The number of prisoners sentenced to death has increased in
recent years. In 2005, at least 217 men and one woman were
sentenced to death, and at least three men were executed by

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly
as possible:
- saying that Amnesty International recognizes the gravity
of the offences of which the six men (naming them) have been
convicted, but opposes the death penalty in all cases, as it
violates the most fundamental right of every human being,
the right to life;
- urging the authorities to commute the men's death
- urging the authorities to ensure that the prisoners are
provided with all the necessary facilities to enable them to
appeal against their sentences;
- urging that the prisoners are allowed to speak openly to

Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia
Office of the Prime Minister
Gona Bhaban
Old Sangsad Bhaban, Tejgaon
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Fax:  011 880 2 8113244
      011 880 2 8113243
      011 880 2 8111015
      011 880 2 8151490
      011 880 2 8151157
Email:      pm at pmobd.org
      psecretary at pmobd.org
      presssecy at pmobd.org
      pmo at pmobd.org
Salutation:       Dear Prime Minister

Md. Lutfuzzaman Babar
State Minister for Home Affairs
Ministry of Home Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Building 4
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Salutation:       Dear Minister of State

Barrister Moudud Ahmed
Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs
Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Salutation:       Dear Minister

Ambassador Shamsher M. Chowdhury
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
3510 International Drive NW
Washington DC 20008
Fax: 1 202-244-2771
Email: bdenq at bangladoot.org


Tip of the Month:
Be factual in your appeal. Relay the details of the case as
you know them. Do not discuss ideology or politics. Your
message must be for the benefit of the individual(s) at risk
and not a vehicle for political opinions.

Within the United States:
     $0.24 - Postcards
     $0.39 - Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
To Mexico and Canada:
     $0.55 - Postcards
     $0.63 - Airmail Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
     $0.75 - Aerogrammes
To all other destination countries:
     $0.75 - Postcards
     $0.84 - Airmail Letters and Cards (up to 1 oz.)
     $0.75 - Aerogrammes

Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots movement
that promotes and defends human rights.

This Urgent Action may be reposted if kept intact, including
contact information and stop action date (if applicable).
Thank you for your help with this appeal.

Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE 5th fl
Washington DC 20003
Email: uan at aiusa.org
Phone: 202.544.0200
Fax:     202.675.8566


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