National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty


  All 3 scheduled February executions in Texas

  James Jackson is scheduled to be executed by the state of Texas on Feb.

  Donald Miller is scheduled to be executed on Feb. 27, by the state of

  Read more about these and the other cases below -- and ACT!


  Do Not Execute James Jackson!

  James Jackson was convicted in the 1997 murder of his wife and two
stepdaughters.  During the sentencing phase of his trial, the judge did
not allow any of Jackson's family to testify as to how his execution
would affect their lives.

  ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Rick Perry requesting that he stop the
execution of James Jackson!

  Read More and Take Action at:


  Do Not Execute Donald Miller!

  The state of Texas is scheduled to execute Donald Miller for the 1982
murders of Dennis Mozingo and Kenneth Whitt near Houston.  Miller and two
others shot them after kidnapping and robbing them.

  Neither of Miller's accomplices received death sentences.  Furthermore,
the main witness and codefendant recanted his original statement, that he
did not, in fact, see Miller shoot anyone. Also, the federal district
court found that the state had suppressed important evidence during the
sentencing phase of the trial and then granted Miller relief. This
decision was later overturned by the 5th Circuit court.

  ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Rick Perry requesting that Donald Miller's
execution be halted!

Read More and Take Action at:


  See and act on all current Execution Alerts at

  February 7: James Jackson, TX

  February 22: Newton Anderson, TX

  February 27: Donald Miller, TX

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